Russia Ukraine War Draghis report to Parliament Achieve a ceasefire

Russia Ukraine War, Draghi’s report to Parliament: “Achieve a ceasefire and…

“To prevent that humanitarian crisis deteriorating we must reach as soon as possible a armistice and force restart i negotiations. It is the aspiration of Italy and the European position that I shared with him President Biden and the leaders of Congress during my visit to Washington“. So said the Prime Minister Mario Draghi during his briefing to the Senate on the war in Ukraine, but without considering the impending “diversity of interests” between Europe and the United States, which he had mentioned during his trip to the United States. “It is imperative to comply Channels of dialogue with the Russian Federation. A solution can only emerge from these channels,” is the fixed point. Then the assertion of “a recognition universal for the solidity of the Italian position anchored in the transatlantic area and in the EU“And that” allows us to be to be at the forefront of the search for peace without ambiguity“.

“Only a peace decided by Kyiv is sustainable”What calm However, Kyiv must decide: “Italy will work with its European partners and allies for every possibility of mediation, but it will be Ukraine and not others who will decide what peace they accept, a peace without Ukraine would not be acceptable”. In the meantime, “Italy will carry on Supporting the Ukrainian government in their efforts repel the Russian invasion “in agreement with the EU and its allies. The telephone contacts between “the head of the Pentagon and the Russian defense minister are an encouraging sign since the beginning of the war”. Meanwhile, “Italy strongly supports the Application of Sweden and Finland to join NATO“And Draghi will be in Ankara in July for an Italy-Turkey summit to take stock of the prospects for negotiations and bilateral relations between the two countries. In perspective, however, it is “necessary to support NATO with a real and common European defence“. The first step must be “the rationalization of military spending in the EU, the distribution of which is inefficient: Coordination of security investments is needed. As said by Mattarellain the long run it takes a creative effort on a model of Helsinki Conference. It will be necessary to build a common international framework to use his words”.

In the meantime, NATO “has intensified its actions on the eastern flank and has matched the Italian contribution 2,500 units and we are ready for that in the medium term strengthen our commitment in Hungary and Bulgaria with or 250 and 750 units consistent with the action of our allies and we appreciate the support for Romania Therefore demining maritime of the Black Sea and also on the Slovakia in anti-aircraft defence.

“The government is moving in the wake of Parliament’s resolution” – “The war has reached the 85th day: the hope of conquer large areas of the country in a short time by the Russians with the clashed Resistance of the Ukrainian people,” Draghi began. “The Russian Federation has withdrawn from large areas. The Russian advance is much slower than expected”. The cost of the Russian invasion in terms of human lives however, it is “terrible. They were found last week mass graves“In Kyiv too. In this context, the Prime Minister emphasized that the government is moving “in the wake”. resolutionApproved by Parliament (Draghi thanked “the majority and the main opposition force for supporting the government in dealing with the crisis”). This resolution “committed the government to do so military support“And also” humanitarian “Kyiv and” keep up the pressure on Russia, too sanctions and clearly controlled state action and strengthened our position on the international level”. Italy “will continue to support the Ukrainian government in its efforts to repel the Russian invasion, in close coordination with its European partners. It goes with that solidity of the transatlantic bond, but also of loyalty to the EU. The government has reported on the subject several times copassirwhich has always found the coherence of the assistance offered in relation to Parliament’s advice and guidelines”. Rome also offered “assistance in the investigation war crimes“.

“Italy independent of Russian gas in the second half of 2024” – On the front of the energy dependency The Prime Minister said from Moscow that Italy could become independent of Russian gas in the USA second half of 2024. “Government estimates indicate that we could become independent from Russian gas in the second half of 2024: the first effects of this process will be seen as early as the end of this year. During my visit to Washington, I presented Italy’s energy strategy to President Biden, and we agree on the importance of it meet climate commitments that Italy wants to keep”. Renewable energies “represent the only way set us free of fossil fuel imports and achieving a sustainable growth model and the government has acted decisively to eliminate this bureaucratic constraints that limit the expansion of renewable energies in Italy and will continue to do everything possible to remove the barriers that limit such investments.

No comment on embarrassing standoff in Brussels over sanctions oil: Draghi limited himself to recalling that “the EU is working on the sixth package of sanctions, which Italy supports with conviction”. And he added that “the restrictive measures approved so far by the European Union and the G7 have already had a significant impact on the Russian economy and will only intensify in the coming months. According to the forecasts of IMFthat Russian domestic product will fall off“8.5 percent this yearthe inflation rate will reach 21.3 percent”.

“War threatens the food security of millions of people” – “The humanitarian crisis risks adding onefood emergency. Russia and Ukraine are the most important Grain suppliers worldwide. Alone they are responsible for more than that 25% of world grain exports. 26 countries depend on them for more than half of their needs,” Draghi recalls. “The devastation of the war has affected large parts of the production capacities in Ukraine. War it threatens the food security of millions of people, also because it adds to the critical issues that have already emerged during the pandemic. The food price index rose throughout 2021, hitting an all-time high in March. The reduction in grain deliveries and the resulting price increase are likely to have led to this catastrophic effects in Africa and the Middle East, where the danger of humanitarian, political and social crises is growing,” Draghi concluded. We therefore need “a joint initiative that Unlock millions of tons of grain blocked in ports in southern Ukraine: All involved should open a humanitarian bracket to avoid a scenario in which millions of people would die.

Admission for refugees in Italy – Regarding the reception of refugees in Italy, “so far we have 22,000 Ukrainian students inserted into Italian schools“And most of that in elementary school. “I thank Minister Bianchi, the school staff and all Italian girls and boys for this wonderful manifestation of collective love and capacity.”