is breaking protocol and looking for competitors to boost News

is breaking protocol and looking for competitors to boost News

The drop in GloboNews ratings worried Globo’s board of directors: for six months in the deputy leadership of the news channel behind Record News, the channel also suffered from newcomer Jovem Pan News, who has accumulated relevant performances in less than a year on the air. To chase after lost audiences, the network abandoned one of its main pillars — not hiring professionals hired by other stations — and began seeking out journalists already assigned to competitor teams.

The report of pop tv found that the top target of harassment by Globo executives was the news channel Record: in recent days, several producers and editors of Record News have been approached by GloboNews emissaries with proposed salaries above the market average and promises of exclusive service to the channel’s key journalists, like Jornal das 10 and Em Pauta. Negotiations even took place: one of Barra Funda’s key editors resigned to work on the rival’s new 4pm newspaper.

The invitations are not limited to professionals not working in video: Globo also made suggestions for presenters from Jovem Pan News and BandNews TV. With the presenters, however, the Audience Guide was unsuccessful: most of the wanted names turned down the offers, which usually involve porting to street coverage, with the promise of redistribution in the presentation at weekends and in a second of a moment, including weekdays , with a Musical Chairs planned for the first few months of next year.

In addition to the professionals’ lack of interest in a less visible position, another factor was also taken into account, particularly for the current staff of Antônio Augusto Amaral de Carvalho Filho’s channel, known as Tutinha. As tempting as Globo’s salary proposals were, Jovem Pan opened up his portfolio to keep most of his team members, who say they’ve received offers from other companies. And for this she has a comfortable financial leeway although she is at a loss on television, she has high earnings on the radio and on the Internet.

THAT pop tv found that GloboNews executives see a significant risk of the channel slipping to third place in news in the coming months, behind Record News and Jovem Pan News. Record’s news channel, a leader in this genre since December 2021, has the advantage of also being on open television, but has focused on creating differentiated programs for payTV operators and, with the entry, also on the nationwide expansion of its signal invested its highdefinition version on Claro TV (formerly Net).

In the case of Jovem Pan, a direct competitor only in payTV, the situation is even more delicate. In less than a year on the air, the Tupiniquim version of Fox News has achieved feats that CNN Brasil and BandNews TV have never been able to match: the leadership of Jornal da Manhã and Os Pingos nos Is is happening with increasing frequency and they are already balanced began to affect the performance of other programs such as Morning Show and Jornal Jovem Pan, which also competed for the top spot in the news. Also, Tutinha’s channel was the leader between 7am and midnight on May 1 GloboNews had never drawn or lost against a competitor on payTV.