Celeb leaves baby without a belt car gets blown up

Celeb leaves baby without a belt, car gets blown up by truck and foreboding works wonders: "turned into sardines"

According to Shantal Verdelho, cars have become sardine cans

Shantal Verdelho experienced one of the most traumatic episodes of his intimate life with his daughter, Dominica, from 8 months. They were then on a road trip to Campinas in the interior of São Paulo.

In short, the famous saw a tragic truck accident on the street and should be one of the victims.

Traffic came to a standstill on the way because of the traffic jam Shantal Verdelho decided to take the belt from Domenica.

this because the baby had pooped. “I turned to Jô and said, ‘You can change Domenica because everything is still. By the time we walk and manage to stop at a gas station, everything gets toasted,” she began.

The famous chose not to stop the vehicle on the side of the road because of the danger. “A car can come with anything and hit us.” Jô took it off her belt and went to change it,” she said.

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However, when her friend wanted to change Shantal Verdelho’s heir, she closed her eyes and had a premonition.

“Behold, I closed my eyes to blink, and my guardian angel sent me a picture of a flying truck,” the famous confessed.

Because of the foreboding The artist decided to take the car out of the place: “I calmly turned into the right lane, which fortunately had exactly the space for me to drive there by car.”


Sequentially, Shantal Verdelho confirmed the tragic accident. “The moment I look in the rearview mirror, there’s a huge threeaxle truck that’s spinning out of control and has been hitting every car since,” the star said.

In addition, the famous confessed that the cars that were on the street were completely destroyed.

“He was so fast that he couldn’t brake and the cars in front of him became sardines. The car in front of me turned A can sardinesaid Shantal Verdelho, who continued:

“Domenica was without a belt and if that truck hit me, she would have flown away and could have died,” said the famous.


However, due to the sudden lane change, the artist confirmed this nothing happened to them.

“Do you know what happened to my car? scratched. I should be in front of that truck. I wanted to turn myself into a can of sardines, my daughter’s life was in danger and she just scratched my car. I didn’t see the truck coming with those eyes, I saw it in my mind’s eye,” said Shantal Verdelho.

Finally, the famous confessed that you should not take off your belt under any circumstances. “Lesson number one: let the baby bake and cry, but don’t take the baby out of the car seat,” she explained.

Shantal Verdelho. According to Shantal Verdelho, a premonition saved her life (reproduction)

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