1653010473 They reveal that Vladimir Putin would have a granddaughter with

They reveal that Vladimir Putin would have a granddaughter with the surname of his worst enemy: Zelenskyy

Katerina Tikhonova, deputy director of the Mathematical Research Institute of Complex Systems at Moscow State University, daughter of Russian President Vladimir Putin, is seen on a screen while attending a meeting of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) in St. Petersburg, Russia, June 4, 2021 (REUTERS / Evgenia Novozhenina)Katerina Tikhonova, deputy director of the Mathematical Research Institute of Complex Systems at Moscow State University, daughter of Russian President Vladimir Putin, is seen on a screen while attending a meeting of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) in St. Petersburg, Russia, June 4, 2021 (REUTERS / Evgenia Novozhenina)

A daughter of Russian President Vladimir Putin is said to be in a relationship with the former director of the Bavarian State BalletHe, with whom he had a daughter in 2017, revealed journalistic research on Thursday.

According to reports Igor Zelenskyy52, has a serious and long-term relationship with Putin’s youngest daughter Katerina Tikhonova35, Russian media outlet iStories and German news site Der Spiegel reported on Thursday.

Tikhonova and Zelensky have a daughter who was born in 2017around the time Tikhonova got divorced Kirill Shamalov, a billionaire Son of the oligarch Nikolai Shamalovwho is a friend of Putin and a member of his inner circle.

In this way, Putin would have a granddaughter with the same surname as the man who resisted his illegal invasion of Ukraine the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

iStories based its investigation on flight logs obtained from sources at Moscow’s Vnukovo Airport and emails from the Russian Presidential Security Service Details on the family’s move to Germany.

According to reports, flight logs identify Tikhonova, Zelensky and their daughter, who arrived in 2019 on the same Munich-Moscow charter flight with a multitude of nannies and bodyguards.

Igor Zelensky is the former director of the Bavarian State BalletIgor Zelensky is the former director of the Bavarian State Ballet

The outlet also said it came an email received by a presidential security guard in October 2019 with the subject “Moving to Germany”.

Overall, iStories claimed to have data on more than 50 flights operated by Tikhonova between Moscow and Munich between 2017 and 2019. The outlet also said it scanned copies of passports belonging to Tikhonova, Zelensky and their unnamed daughter.

Zelensky withdrew from the Bavarian State Ballet in April, citing “private family circumstances”.“. The decision also came shortly after he was summoned to the Federal Ministry of Science and Art to explain his connections to the Foundation for Cultural Heritage close to Russia.

serge thornythe ballet’s artistic director later admitted as much in a conversation with some Russian pranksters Zelenskyy “did not make this decision alone”.

“We had a conversation and I led him to this conclusion”said Dorney.

iStories also cited an unnamed source from the Bavarian State Ballet to confirm this Zelenskyy is “probably the partner of Putin’s daughter”.

Apart from that, not much is officially known about Putin’s family He has two daughters with his ex-wife, Lyudmila.

Vladimir Putin with his ex-wife and daughters (Image: Zuma Wire/Shutterstock)Vladimir Putin with his ex-wife and daughters (Image: Zuma Wire/Shutterstock)

The Kremlin has tried to keep information about the women and their families and alleged links to major Russian companies from the public, citing “Security Reasons”.

Independent Russian and international media identified the two women as Katerina Tikhonova Y Maria Vorontsova36 years old.

Tikhonova, 35, Putin’s youngest daughter, was associated with a $1.6 billion project to develop a science center and startup incubator near Moscow State University. He also ran an elite school’s artificial intelligence center and the National Fund for Intellectual Development. Both are managed by the Innopraktika Foundation, which has Putin collaboratorsincluding Rosneft CEO Igor Sechin and Gazprombank boss Andrei Akimov as trustees.

Vorontsova, 36, is an endocrinologist. She is a co-owner of a medical company called nomekospecializing in high-tech diagnostics and treatments.

the daughters have given interviews to the media but have never identified themselves as Putin’s daughters. They have rarely appeared in front of the camera as adults, although Tikhonova was spotted participating in a rock and roll acrobatic competition in Switzerland in 2013 and Poland in 2014.

Both women have been sanctioned by the United States and European Union in recent weeks in response to Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine.

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