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in the video, soldiers declare their readiness to fight in Ukraine

Published: 11.03.2022 – 23:33

“We are ready to go to Ukraine to help our Russian brothers. On social networks, soldiers in the uniform of the Central African army confirm their support for the Russian army and say they are ready to fight in Ukraine. Bangui authorities have not yet responded.

With our correspondent in Bangui, Carol Valad

Broadcast in a coordinated fashion on Russian Telegram channels since Thursday evening, March 10, these videos show armed men posing as Faka, some of which were filmed at the Berengo military training camp, on the outskirts of Bangui.

In one of these videos, we clearly recognize the statue of Emperor Bokassa, which stands in the middle of the Berengo camp, where the Russians are training Fak. Officially, the latter are “instructors” sent from Moscow. But according to the UN, these are “mercenaries from the Wagner group” accused of serious abuses against civilians.

“We are here to help Russia, fight the putschists and fight Ukraine. So we are ready, if Russia asks us to go to Ukraine, we will go there with our determination. We will be intimidated not by Europe or NATO countries. We are ready to fight because we, too, Russia helped us fight in this country. We had a victory. So we are going to help Russia fight better in Ukraine and drive the bandits out of Ukraine. »

Several pro-Russian rallies occurred in recent weeks in Bangui, especially in the presence of the 6th Territorial Infantry Battalion. Faku is regularly photographed with Wagner badges, a skull and crossbones in the target’s heart. “We African soldiers are ready to go to our Russian brothers to support them. My Russian brothers, hold on! We Africans will be coming soon. Courage courage. »

In December, the European Union decided to suspend military exercises in the Central African Republic. Because, according to Brussels, most of his recruits today work under the control of the Wagner company.

According to several sources, these videos are not an official announcement, but the Central African Republic’s Ministry of Defense, General Staff, Government and President have not yet communicated over these videos, despite RFI requests.

Last week, at the UN General Assembly, the Central African Republic abstained from voting on a resolution condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine. But the government has not voiced its official position on this issue.