2yearold asks for 31 hamburgers on phone left unlocked by

2yearold asks for 31 hamburgers on phone left unlocked by mom CNN Portugal

A Texas mom learned an important lesson about keeping her phone unlocked after her twoyearold son accidentally ordered 31 cheeseburgers from McDonald’s.

On Monday, Kelsey Golden, a marketing and communications specialist at an educational institution, was working on her school yearbook on her computer at home. As she was transferring photos from her phone to her computer, her twoyearold son, Barrett, began snatching the phone out of her hands, she told CNN. Golden explained that his son loves using the camera on his phone. “He likes to look at his reflection,” he said, rather than playing games or doing other activities on his phone.

But this time, Barrett didn’t just stare at his reflection: “He started pushing the screen and swinging it like his arm was a roller coaster,” says his mother.

At that point, Golden received a notification that his order from DoorDash [um serviço de encomendas e entregas ao domicílio] took longer than usual which was unusual because while she sometimes used DoorDash to order lunch for her two oldest children at school, this morning she had a packed lunch with her. A colleague added to the confusion when she told Golden that her kids were actually eating their lunch at school — with no DoorDash in sight.

“Just as she was telling me that, I was out on the porch playing with Barrett,” he says. “A car pulled up and I was like, ‘What’? So I walked over and she took a giant McDonald’s bag and said ’31 cheeseburgers’?”

At first, Golden says, she thought the delivery woman was in the wrong house. “Then I realized Barrett was playing with my phone,” he says. “I went back and looked at my phone and saw that an order had been placed when he was playing with my phone.”

“I was like, oh my god, he really did.”

The accidental order was still out of place because “no one in our family likes cheeseburgers,” says Golden. So she posted on her hometown’s Facebook page, offering free cheeseburgers.

“It almost exploded from there.”

“A woman came who was pregnant and wanted six,” he says. “I don’t judge.” Then he bought the neighbors some cheeseburgers.

The total order was $91.7 [87 euros]partly because Barret left a “really generous” tip of 25%, Golden says.

“I had no idea” the incident would go viral, he says. On Friday, she and Barrett were invited to a meet and greet with the McDonald’s team, where their son was able to meet the company’s mascots, take photos and taste chicken nuggets.

Golden hopes her son’s “accidental” request will help brighten people’s days. “I hope it spreads a little humor in a sad and dark world.”