Ciro Gomes and Gregorio Duvivier chat during a live debate

Ciro Gomes and Gregório Duvivier chat during a live debate

Former minister Ciro Gomes, the PDT’s precandidate for the presidency, and comedian Gregório Duvivier clashed on Friday night (20) during a live debate broadcast on pedists’ social media.

The virtual meeting came after Duvivier filmed an episode of his HBO show “Greg News” about the PDT presidential nominee. At the time, the comedian criticized Ciro’s alliances and government plans. The comedian also urged Pedetista voters to vote for former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, PT’s precandidate for the presidency of the Republic, in the first ballot to “save democracy.”

After the program was announced, the precandidate for the presidency posted a video on his channel criticizing the comedian’s program. Ciro accused Duvivier of spreading fake news.

During the live performance this Friday (20th), the comedian and the precandidate warmly began the dialogue. Minutes later, however, an argument broke out.

The PDT presidential candidate began the conversation by asking the comedian why he saw his candidacy as a threat to democracy. Duvivier denied the information, saying he never said voters should vote for Lula “uncritically.”

The comedian also said that he voted for Ciro in 2018 and that if the precandidate was ahead of the polls and had a better chance of “beating Bolsonarismo,” “he would vote again.”

Duvivier also said he did not want Ciro to stop running as a candidate but that at this moment it was necessary to defend democracy.

The pedestrian then asked, “Do you want the voters to give up on me?”. The comedian said, “Exactly.”

Ciro Gomes and Gregório Duvivier exchanged contradictions and personal insults, with the comedian saying the precandidate called him a “little stoner”. “I never called you a little stoner. I admire you, man,” said Ciro this Friday.

The phrase that motivated the discussion is in the video posted by the pedestrian on his social networks in response to the episode of “Greg News”.

“While defending his country, there on the battlefield, here on the other side of the world, in the comfort of an air conditioner and an ice whiskey, among other perks, there are people who think it’s enough to be short and comedic, like Zelenskyy, to become a statesman,” said the precandidate in the video.

In the program this Friday (20), after being interrupted by Ciro, Duvivier complained that the politician would not let him finish his argument.

“[Você] It’s fucking boring, call the person and don’t let them talk. You debated alone, fighting the shadow,” the comedian said.

During the debate, Ciro Gomes criticized former President Lula, PT’s precandidate for the presidency of the Republic. Duvivier, on the other hand, criticized the spread of antipetismo.

“I think whoever chose him [Bolsonaro] it was the antipetismo you [Ciro] today is spreading. I think that’s what voted Bolsonaro and that can vote for him again,” Duvivier said.

Ciro said that for the comedian, “everything is Lula” and that Duvivier doesn’t really know who the PT’s precandidate is.

“I’ve known Lula for 35 years. He has no qualms about anything. I’m Lula’s minister? I? Never. Lulas are just as passionate as Bolsonaristas. I won’t, of course, confuse Chico Buarque with a Bolsonarista. Chico Buarque has a vision, everyone has one [corrupto]. I fight every day. There is no attack on Lula without centering my foot on Bolsonaro. “King of the Rift”. Have you never seen me use that term on Lula?” Ciro said.

After Duvivier said he would like to vote for Ciro Gomes in an eventual second round, the PDT precandidate explained that his “tactic is to take Bolsonaro out of the second round”.

“Lula will start falling in the polls. Bolsonaro will also fall. The timing of this differs from the press. They will try to disqualify me all the time,” Ciro said.

This Saturday (21st), comedian Gregório Duvivier and former Minister Ciro Gomes commented on this Friday’s debate via social networks.

“Speaking of yesterday, thank you everyone for the affection. Those who didn’t see it didn’t miss anything. Now let’s focus on the essentials, which is removing Bolsonaro from power,” said Duvivier.

“What I said to Gregório in yesterday’s debate is very simple: I want a renewed Brazil, with a project. In other words, anything Lula and Bolsonaro aren’t capable of. deep crisis,” said Ciro.

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