Since Sunday is the perfect day to relax, we encourage you to put your feet up, go to the Wordle website and check out the latest puzzle. Wordle 337 is live for the duration of May 22nd and unlike the last few days it’s actually quite difficult. Luckily, Express Online is here to help, courtesy of three spoiler-free hints at the bottom of the page. Good luck with Wordle 337 on May 22nd, maybe you just need it.
Perfect for when you have a few minutes, Wordle challenges players to find a five-letter word in just six tries.
To master Wordle and solve these daily puzzles, you need to pay close attention to the color of the tiles after each guess.
If the letter tile turns gray, the letter does not appear in the word you are guessing. If the tile turns yellow, the letter you guessed is in the word, just not in the correct position. When the tile turns green, the letter is in the word and in the right place.
The app tracks your stats and shows the number of correct answers you’ve managed and your winning streak.
If you can’t solve the puzzle, you’ll have to wait until the next day for a new wordle to be released. You also lose your precious lucky streak.
Read on for some general Wordle tips, followed by three specific pointers for Wordle 337 on May 22nd…
General Wordle tips and tricks…
• Do not use the same letter twice in the opening guess.
• Try using a few vowels, especially “A” and “E” in your first guess.
• Avoid letters like “X”, “Z” and “Q” until you have a better idea of the answer later.
• “RAISE” is a good word to start with, while “TOUCH” is a decent second guess.
• Check out Express Online’s daily tips below…
world 337 Notes and Notes for May 22nd…
1. Wordle 337 begins with the letter M.
2. Wordle 337 contains two vowels.
3. Must be funny….