Brazil registered 28 incidents of violence against the press weekly

Sunday 22 May 2022 (22:00 GMT)

This content was published on May 22, 2022 – 21:51. May 22, 2022 – 21:51


Ukraine refuses to make concessions and demands more western weapons

Kyiv/Moscow (EFE).- Ukraine, hoping that the arrival of more western arms will help it balance its forces with Russia and even allow it to launch a counteroffensive, this Sunday reiterated its refusal to make any concessions to Moscow. “Negotiate with a country that has taken millions of people hostage? We have a better idea: the world must agree to supplying Ukraine with self-propelled multiple rocket launchers and other heavy weapons to unblock the Black Sea,” Mikhailo Podolyak, an adviser to Ukraine, wrote on Twitter Ukraine’s Presidency.


The WHO is still reluctant to open its annual gathering to end the pandemic

Geneva (EFE).- The World Health Organization (WHO) opened its 75th annual meeting this Sunday, the first to be held in person since the pandemic, with a warning that despite most restrictions, it will not end until the vaccines reach the poorest have now been repealed. “Certainly it’s not over yet. I know it’s not the message you want to hear, nor the one I want to give, (…) but it won’t end until it’s done in all countries ‘ said the organism’s director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, in the opening address to more than a hundred health ministers from around the world.


Israel denies MEP Manu Pineda access to a mission in Palestine

Jerusalem (EFE).- Israel has refused entry to Spanish MEP Manu Pineda, who was due to visit the region tomorrow as head of the European Parliament’s delegation for relations with Palestine, and his trip has therefore been suspended. “Tomorrow a mission from @Europarl_EN was to start in Palestine. However, Israel prohibits me from entering the country as the president of the delegation. The mission has been cancelled,” Pineda explained via Twitter this Sunday, where he attached a letter from the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs dated May 19, explaining that his application for entry was “not approved.”


The leaders of a world in crisis meet in Davos in search of answers

Davos (Switzerland) (EFE).- The World Economic Forum will once again hold its well-known annual meeting in Davos, where the political leaders and executives who move the world economy will again attend in person to communicate as in the context of simultaneous economic, food – and geopolitical crises. It is a return to Davos almost two and a half years after its last edition, which marked its half-century of existence in January 2020, when no one could have imagined that in a matter of weeks the world would sink into a pandemic that forced them to decide for 2021 for a virtual Davos Forum.


New York declares a state of emergency to monitor the price of powdered milk

New York (EFE) .- The Mayor of New York, Eric Adams, declared a state of emergency this Sunday to halt the rise in the price of powdered milk for babies, a product in unprecedented shortage in the United States. “This emergency injunction will help us take action against any retailer who seeks to capitalize on this crisis by raising the price of this essential commodity. Our message to struggling mothers and families is simple: Our city will do what it can to help during this challenging time,” the Democrat said in a statement today.


Östlund seduces Cannes with a light and sharp satire on the rich

Cannes (France) (EFE).- Winner of the Palme d’Or in 2017 with “The Square”, Ruben Östlund seduced Cannes again with “The Triangle of Sadness”, a new satire of the western world that ridicules the rich of the cult of money and beauty while claiming laughter and ease. “We wanted it to be a roller coaster for adults, entertaining and fun, to see them together in the cinema and to say something when they said goodbye,” said the Swedish director at a press conference this Sunday.


Australia’s new Labor government will change climate policy

Sydney, Australia (EFE) oceanic country, one of the biggest polluters per capita on the planet. “There will be some policy changes, particularly on climate change and our international engagement on these issues,” Albanese told reporters in Sydney after an election victory the previous day in which it was not yet clear if his party would win the vote. absolute majority or must form alliances to govern.


The Pope encourages the Chinese Church to live “in communion” with the universal

Rome, 22 May (EFE) .- This Sunday Pope Francis encouraged the Chinese Church to live “in communion”, in freedom and tranquility, with the universal Church, in order to contribute to the “spiritual and material progress” of the people. “I invite you to join me in prayer so that the Church in China may live in freedom and tranquility in effective communion with the universal Church, fulfilling her mission of proclaiming the Gospel to all and thereby also contributing positively to the spiritual and material progress of China society,” said the Pope after the recitation of the Regina Coeli, which replaces the Angelus during the Easter season.

monkey pox

The UN warns against racist and homophobic speech in the face of monkeypox

Geneva (EFE) .- Some information and comments on the current monkeypox outbreak have used language and images that “reinforce racist and homophobic stereotypes”, which exacerbates stigma against Africans and LGBTI people, said today the UN Joint Program against HIV/ AIDS (UNAIDS). “The lessons of AIDS show that stigmatization and blaming of certain groups can hamper response to an outbreak,” the organization warned in a statement.


With the beginning of the legislature, the Lebanese government officially takes office

Beirut (EFE).- The Lebanese government officially took office this Sunday, coinciding with the start of a new legislative session following the May 15 general elections, which resulted in a fragmented chamber with no clear majority. The country’s President, Michel Aoun, had announced in a statement on Saturday that the “government will be deemed to have resigned with the start of parliament’s mandate this Sunday”, but urged him to continue his work on an interim basis pending the formation of a new executive branch . EFE


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