Come back Also in the evening what Nozzolino did Paolo

Come back Also in the evening what Nozzolino did: Paolo Bonolis goes crazy

wedding He became the protagonist of a very special episode during the episode of Come again in the evening.

Come on: How does the game work?

In the early stages of the game, the triplets, Participants must give at least three of the four answers suggested by the conductor.

In case of double error, the participant will be deleted and replaced by another. After the exact answer to at least three questions one out of four participants can be drawn roll jokingly called Pidigozzo, which one may contain to win or one Bad luck.

There are 54 Pidigozzi in total for a total of €1,475,000: one at €150,000, one at €75,000, one at €50,000, one at €40,000 and one at €30,000. This is followed by 5 Pigozzi at €25,000, 5 at €20,000, 5 at €15,000, 5 at €10,000 and 5 contain the Pair.

The Pidigozzi contain the hex there are three, as well as those of Much luck. Finally there is a Pidigozzo that contains those Exchange and one with come one more

fishing the Pair, the competitor automatically reaches the figure of the potential champion. The handler proceeds to the tie-break question if the competitor manages to answer within 10 seconds Sample, otherwise it will be deleted.

If there is no sample of the bet that pidigozzo clears the prize pool accumulated up to that point.

The unexpected events of the transmission

fish it Tremble the prize money is erased and in this case it intervenes Franco Pistoni who asks the competitor a question that does not offer any possible answers.

If the answer is exact, the competitor stays in the game, otherwise he is eliminated. Who fishes them Much luck becomes a potential winner of €300,000: however, he must answer accurately within the time available.

If he doesn’t get the right answer, the prize pool stays the same and he can continue playing. That pidigozzo contains Exchange allows you to select a person from the audience to play in place of the competitor.

When the competitor moves Exchange In the last game the Pidigozzo would have no value and it would be eliminated. when you fish come one more They will be automatically deleted.

If there is no potential bet winner at the end of the first phase, all previously eliminated competitors will be recalled and offered the opportunity to draw a Pidigozzo.

The player who drew is declared the winner of the bet Pidigozzo with the highest prize pool.

Next another: the final game

In the final round, €100,000 will be added to the prize pool won by the champion. The participant must give the wrong answer 21 questions with two possible answers.

The proposed game phases are two: In the first phase, the player has 150 seconds to win the entire prize pool.

A wrong answer takes you to the next question, otherwise you start over. If at the first stage of the game the participant does not answer all the questions, he proceeds to the second.

This offers an additional 100 seconds with a prize pool that starts at €100,000 and decreases by €1,000 every second. When the prize pool reaches €50,000, the champion can press the e key freeze it

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He can gamble for the frozen total and wins if he manages to get all 21 wrong answers. Each answer must be given within 10 seconds. If the first champion is wrong, the second champion plays for a number equal to half the win made by the first.

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