1653276401 First EU country to introduce chickenpox quarantine

First EU country to introduce chickenpox quarantine

Despite the waning of the coronavirus pandemic, an EU country continues to isolate itself. The reason for this is not Covid-19, but monkeypox.

Smallpox continues to spread. After there were already confirmed cases in several countries, there was also a first suspected case in Austria since Sunday. A corresponding patient was isolated at the Favoriten clinic. On Sunday night, a 35-year-old man was taken to hospital with the rescue. Man has typical symptoms that suggest monkeypox.

A total of more than 100 cases have already been identified in twelve countries. Now a first EU country is introducing a smallpox quarantine. In Belgium, infected people will have to isolate themselves for 21 days. However, this obligation does not apply to contact persons. Three cases have been detected in Belgium so far, the first of which occurred in Antwerp on Friday.

READ MORE: Suspected chickenpox in Vienna – this is how the city reacts

No travel restrictions are currently required

According to the WHO, the diseases that have so far become known in Europe, North America and Australia affect mainly – but not exclusively – homosexual men. Due to the still limited observation situation, it is very likely that cases will appear in other population groups and countries.

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Travel restrictions or event cancellations in affected countries are currently not necessary from a WHO perspective. The organization highlighted that contagion can occur in mass events, but also emphasized that precautionary measures against Covid-19 also work against smallpox.

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