foreign policy Zelenskyy demands quotmaximumquot Sanctions against Russia

World Economic Summit: Zelenskyy demands "maximum" Sanctions against Russia |

The annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) began on Monday, marked by the Russian war in Ukraine. The opening speech was given by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. In a video speech, he called on the international community to impose “maximum” sanctions on Russia. There should be no “more trade with Russia”. 2,500 participants from politics, business and society discuss solutions to international problems in Davos.

“Ukraine needs all the weapons we demand, not just the ones that have been delivered,” Zelenskyy urged states to continue supplying weapons in view of the Russian war of aggression against his country. An oil embargo and sanctions against all Russian banks are also needed. Western countries have repeatedly supplied weapons to Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian invasion. In addition, they imposed strict sanctions on Russia, including EU states that decided to ban the import of Russian coal. However, an oil embargo is still controversial.

Oil embargo against Russia

German Economy Minister Robert Habeck has spoken out in favor of an oil embargo against Russia jointly supported by the EU. The conduct of the negotiations must be controlled by the EU Commission, he said in Deutschlandfunk. Habeck spoke of concerted action in which the EU must lead the way. “We see the worst of Europe,” Habeck said. It should be noted that not all countries are in the same situation. However, he hopes that everyone, including Hungary, will work on a solution.

Three months after the start of the Russian war of aggression, Zelenskyy was grateful for the international support. “The world believes in Ukraine,” he said. After the speech, many listeners stood up and applauded. In addition, Zelenskyi invited foreign companies to participate in the reconstruction of Ukrainian cities destroyed after the end of the war. He suggested that frozen Russian property should also be used for financing.

Klitschko brothers as guests

Vitali and Wladimir Klitschko were also invited to the Swiss Alps. Kiev Mayor Vitali Klitschko said of the bitter resistance against Russian attackers: “We Ukrainians defend our children, families and our children’s future – and Russian soldiers fight for money.” Russia invaded the country three months ago because it sees Ukraine as part of the Russian empire. “Don’t believe the Russians, they always cheat,” emphasized Vitali Klitschko. His brother, former Ukrainian boxing world champion Wladimir Klitschko, called for total isolation from Russia. “The war will last as long as the world trades with Russia,” the 46-year-old told a roundtable at the World Economic Forum.

World Economic Forum President Børge Brende called for a Marshall Plan for Ukraine’s reconstruction in the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”. The theme of this year’s conference, which runs until Thursday, is “History at a Turning Point: Government Policies and Business Strategies.” The focus is on various global crises with the war in Ukraine, the corona pandemic and climate change. Among other things, the consequences of war on supply chains, energy supply and food security will be discussed.