Russian military shot and killed American filmmaker Brent Reno in Ukraine.

The Russian military shot and killed an American freelance director while filming refugees in Irpen, a suburb of the Ukrainian capital Kyiv.

Brent Renault, 50, was in a car with other journalists in Irpen near Kiev when Russian troops opened fire. He was shot and one of his colleagues was wounded.

He was initially thought to be on assignment for The New York Times because he had a press badge that listed the newspaper as his publication, but it has since been revealed that he was working on a global refugee film.

Reno’s death was announced by the head of the Kiev police department, Andrei Nebitov, who wrote on Facebook that he paid “with his life for trying to emphasize the ingenuity, cruelty and ruthlessness of the aggressor.” He also shared a video taken by a police officer who arrived on the scene, who said that a third journalist had been injured.

Another American journalist who survived the attack spoke to a correspondent for the Italian newspaper Internazionale from the hospital.

Juan Arredondo said Renault was shot in the neck and “had to be left behind”.

“We passed the first bridge in Irpin. We were going to film how the other refugees were leaving, we got into the car. Someone offered to lead us to another bridge. We crossed the checkpoint and they started shooting at us. The driver turned around, there were two of us. My friend Brent Renault. He was shot and left. I saw that he was wounded in the neck. We were divided, he said.

The White House has yet to comment on Renault’s death, but National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan called it “shocking and horrifying.” He said the US would consult with Ukrainian officials on what to do next.

It remains unclear whether Biden will retaliate against Putin. Earlier Sunday, Undersecretary of State Wendy Sherman said Putin was finally beginning to show signs of being “ready” to negotiate an end to the war, but so far it seemed he was “intent on destroying Ukraine.”

This badge was worn by freelance journalist Brent Renaud when he was shot dead in Irpen, Ukraine today while filming refugees. Brent Renault, 51, was in a truck with other journalists in Irpin when Russian troops opened fire.

This badge was worn by freelance journalist Brent Renaud when he was shot dead in Irpen, Ukraine today while filming refugees.

Another American journalist in the truck is named Juan Arreondo.  He is shown in the hospital talking to an Italian newspaper about how they were driving across the bridge when Russian troops opened fire on them after the checkpoint.

Another American journalist in the truck is named Juan Arreondo. He is shown in the hospital talking to an Italian newspaper about how they were driving across the bridge when Russian troops opened fire on them after the checkpoint.

Colombian American photographer Juan Arredondo survived the attack.  He is currently in the hospital with a gunshot wound. Colombian American photographer Juan Arredondo survived the attack.  He is currently in the hospital with a gunshot wound.

Colombian American photographer Juan Arredondo survived the attack. He is currently in the hospital with a gunshot wound.

PBS reporter Jane Ferguson tweeted from the scene on Sunday that Ukrainian police were

PBS reporter Jane Ferguson tweeted from the scene on Sunday that Ukrainian police were “outraged” by the murder. USA did not comment

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Renault was filming a global film about refugees when he was killed in Irpin on Sunday. This is a suburb of Kyiv, from which many are fleeing this week

Putin shows ‘readiness’ for talks, US says

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Russia is showing signs of being willing to engage in substantive talks on Ukraine, even as Moscow is now intent on “destroying” its neighbor, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman said Sunday.

Sherman, in an interview with Fox News Sunday, said the United States was putting “tremendous pressure” on Russian President Vladimir Putin to agree to a ceasefire during his week-long invasion of Ukraine and allow humanitarian corridors to be established. allow civilians to escape.

“This pressure is starting to have some effect. We see some signs that real, serious negotiations are needed. But I have to say… so far it seems that Vladimir Putin intends to destroy Ukraine,” Sherman said.

Previously, she said: “Now it seems that this will end very badly for the Ukrainian people. That’s just terrible. Especially in Mauripol, where people will starve, freeze or die because they don’t have medicine. It’s really terrible.

“We have two goals: one is to support Ukraine in every possible way. Second, to put tremendous pressure on Vladimir Putin to change his mind and either end this war, achieve a ceasefire in the first place, or get humanitarian corridors.

“This pressure is starting to have some effect, we are seeing signs of a readiness for real, serious negotiations, but I have to say that for now it looks like Vladimir Putin is intent on destroying Ukraine,” she said.

This was stated by National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan in his speech at CNN on Sunday morning: “If an American journalist was actually killed, this is a shocking and horrific event.”

“This is yet another example of the brutality of Vladimir Putin and his forces as they attack schools, mosques, hospitals and journalists.

“That’s why we’re working so hard to put harsh consequences on him and trying to help the Ukrainians with all the military assistance we can muster to be able to fight back against the onslaught of these Russian forces.”

PBS reporter Jane Ferguson, based in Ukraine, tweeted: “Just left a roadside spot near Irpin where the body of American journalist Brent Renault was lying under a blanket. Ukrainian doctors at that time could no longer help him.

Outraged Ukrainian police officer: “Tell America, tell the world what they did to a journalist.”

Tributes are pouring into Reno now.

Christoph Putzel, a friend who worked with him, told The Associated Press: “This guy was the best.

“He was simply the best war journalist I know.

“This guy has literally been in every conflict zone.”

The Times released a statement clarifying that while Renault had worked for them in the past, he had not been to Ukraine on their assignment.

“We are deeply saddened by the news of the death of Brent Reno. Brent was a talented photographer and filmmaker who worked with The New York Times for many years.

“Early reports that he worked for The Times were circulated because he wore a Times Press badge that was issued for appointment many years ago,” deputy managing editor Cliff Levy said in a statement.

He added: “The death of Brent is a terrible loss.

“Courageous journalists like Brent are taking enormous risks to testify and tell the world about the devastation and suffering caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.”

The White House has not commented on Renault’s death.

President Biden has taken a firm stand against sending US troops into conflict.

Instead, he imposed economic sanctions on Putin along with the rest of the Western world and provided Zelensky with weapons and assistance.

On February 15, he warned: “We do not seek a direct confrontation with Russia, although I have made it clear that if Russia targets the Americans in Ukraine, we will respond with force.”

Reno with his brother, another director.  The couple have a background in conflict zones and have been known to film refugees crossing the border as they were killed.

Reno with his brother, another director. The couple have a background in conflict zones and have been known to film refugees crossing the border as they were killed.

National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said in an appearance on CNN on Sunday morning:

National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said in an appearance on CNN on Sunday morning: “If an American journalist was actually killed, it is a shocking and horrific event.” This is yet another example of the brutality of Vladimir Putin and his forces as they target schools, mosques, hospitals and journalists.”

Irpen, a city west of Kyiv, where Renault was working with another journalist when he was shot dead Sunday in Ukraine.

Irpen, a city west of Kyiv, where Renault was working with another journalist when he was shot dead Sunday in Ukraine.

Refugees march across a destroyed bridge in Irpin on Saturday as they try to leave the region.  Reno was filming more today when he was shot.

Refugees march across a destroyed bridge in Irpin on Saturday as they try to leave the region. Reno was filming more today when he was shot.

A Ukrainian man helps an elderly woman escape from the city of Irpen, which was attacked by Russian troops on March 12.

A Ukrainian man helps an elderly woman escape from the city of Irpen, which was attacked by Russian troops on March 12.

The Ukrainian military in Irpen on Sunday carry rocket-propelled grenades.  The city is located near the capital Kiev

The Ukrainian military in Irpen on Sunday carry rocket-propelled grenades. The city is located near the capital Kiev

A house is on fire in the town of Irpen, northwest of Kyiv, where Renault worked on Sunday.

A house is on fire in the town of Irpen, northwest of Kyiv, where Renault worked on Sunday.

55291675 10607611 image a 16 1647163752351 New York Times deputy managing editor Cliff Levy tweeted that Renault was not on assignment for the newspaper when he was killed. New York Times deputy managing editor Cliff Levy tweeted that Renault was not on assignment for the newspaper when he was killed.

New York Times deputy managing editor Cliff Levy tweeted that Renault was not on assignment for the newspaper when he was killed.

Reno was born in Tennessee but is known to have lived in Little Rock, Arkansas. It is unclear if he is married or has a family.

He is best known for working with his brother Craig on films, including a series that aired on the Discovery Channel about soldiers from Arkansas sent to Afghanistan.

Putin’s army is now expanding its offensive into Ukraine and targeting cities closer to NATO territory. Explosions were heard in the western city of Lvov, a refuge for refugees, on Sunday.

As the war continued, Pope Francis pleaded with Putin on Sunday to stop the fighting.

“In the name of God, I ask you to stop this massacre. With pain in my heart, I join the voice of ordinary people, pleading for an end to the war.

“Let there be a real and decisive focus on the negotiations, and let the humanitarian corridors be efficient and safe,” he told the crowd gathered in Vatican Square.

Last week, Russian troops bombed a maternity hospital in Mauripol and a hospital for the disabled.