The actress Gutta stresserwho played Bebel in Globo’s A Grande Família opened up about his disagreement with actor Pedro Cardoso, the actor who played Agostinho Carrara, a romantic partner on the series.
“I was irritated that day. We shot a very complex scene. It was a rainy day and so was I [blusa de] Belt. The director said she wanted to do it again and I said, ‘Really? It’s okay, it’s raining and I’m freezing to death. He [Pedro] said something like: ‘don’t talk like that’ and I: ‘don’t interfere, I’m talking to her’. For what? He was very angry,” he recalled in an interview with RedeTV!’s program Sensational.
“It was bad then. rehearsed without looking [para ele]. Then in the ‘recording’ I made [olhando]. But the writers were really nice, they wrote a breakup for her and then there was a whole story of our breakup,” he said.
“I haven’t [mágoa], but I think it did me harm. For starters, it was much larger than the required disqualification type. Imagine saying, “You are nothing, you only exist because I exist,” in a loud and clear voice for everyone to hear,” added Guta.
“He has accused me of things that I think are untrue and unfair. I’m waiting [o pedido de perdão] til today. Working with him these days [Pedro Cardoso]only earn twice as much,” he said.