Against the tide Nathalie Tocci brings down the frost the

Against the tide, Nathalie Tocci brings down the frost: the US is not competing with Russia. Towards a summer of war time

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The sad reality of the conflict that has been burning in Europe for three months is that we must expect a summer of war. In the Wednesday, May 25 episode of Controcorrente, the talk show hosted by Veronica Gentili on Rete 4, analyst Nathalie Tocci, director of the Istituto Affari Internazionali and professor at the University of Tübingen, admits that the diplomatic route to ending the conflict leads to a siding. Indeed, it has been so since the beginning of the war.

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“There has never been a moment when there has been a negotiation that had any real prospect of an actual agreement,” says the analyst, who also questioned the scope of the Italian proposal, which was also rejected, albeit in different ways from Russia reduced as from Ukraine. “Let’s be honest, the Italian peace plan had more domestic than international value.” Then Gentili comments: So no one has ever considered that before?” Tocci’s answer leaves no room for further hope: “Just look at the international newspapers, not much has been said about it.” Not so much as to the content of the proposal the Farnesina, but because “this is not the moment we are dealing with”.

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The AI ​​analyst then addresses the question of American interests in fueling the war and rejects such a reading. “We don’t have the warlike United States and Europe wanting peace, it could even be the opposite – says Tocci – Americans are paying 40 billion packages” to arm Ukraine, a much higher contribution than Europe. When the US talked about weakening Russia, we must not think that Washington sees Moscow as an adversary, arguing: “The US does not compete with Russia, the fact is that either Moscow’s military capabilities are reduced” or “it is not possible they curb it. their will to “wage war. These confuse many of Controcorrente’s guests.