McConnell and McCarthy criticize Marjorie Taylor Green for appearing with

McConnell and McCarthy criticize Marjorie Taylor Green for appearing with the white race

Senator Mitch McConnell’s minority leader and House of Representatives minority leader Kevin McCarthy have spoken out against MP Marjorie Taylor Green for her appearance at a white event over the weekend.

McCarthy, R-California, said he planned to talk to Georgia republican and representative Paul Gossar, who spoke at the event last year and appeared this year in a 30-second pre-recorded video.

McCarthy said Green had to leave the stage after the event’s organizer, Nick Fuentes, said, announcing, “Can we get a round of applause for Russia?” And the crowd began chanting “Putin!” Putin! Putin!

“It was horrible and wrong for me,” McCarthy said CNN“There is no place in our party for any of this.” “This is unacceptable,” he added.

“The party should not be associated with an anti-Semitic organization at any time and in any place,” said the California Republican.

McConnell repeated his feelings in a statement to Politico“There is no room in the Republican Party for white supremacy or anti-Semitism.”

Fuentes, who is described as a supporter of the White Race by the Anti-Defamation League, founded AFPAC in 2020 to compete with the popular Conservative Political Action Conference, which also held its annual conference over the weekend.

When event organizer Nick Fuentes introduced Green, he said,

When event organizer Nick Fuentes introduced Green, he said, “Can we get a round of applause for Russia?” And the crowd began chanting “Putin!” Putin! Putin!

The leader of the minority in the House, Kevin McCarthy Minority Senator Mitch McConnell

Republican leaders condemn Republican Marjorie Taylor Green for white nationalist rally

Before introducing Green, Fuentes told the crowd: “Now they are talking about Russia, and Vladimir Putin is Hitler – they say this is not good.”

He gained disgrace by making many anti-Semitic comments, denying the Holocaust and opposing women’s right to vote. Fuentes was also part of the deadly white nationalist rally in Charlottesville in 2017.

In an address to AFPAC, she said Democrats had destroyed “gender” and “pronouns” by adopting trans-inclusive language, and told the crowd that they had to “fight for the Constitution”.

“You have taken the responsibility to fight for our constitution and to defend our freedoms and to stop the Democrats, who are the Communist Party of the United States,” Green said.

But the appearance of the Republican from Georgia at the rally left her increasingly isolated from members of her own party.

“I definitely want to differentiate myself from that,” Sen. Minority Sen. John Tune told Politico. This is unacceptable.

Senator Mitt Romney, R-Utah, did not smile at his criticism of Green and Gossar. “Moroni. I have idiots on my team, “Romney said Sunday.

Even chap. Mike Pompeo called Green’s appearance at the rally “shameful”.

“Communicating with anti-Semitic neo-Nazis is not in line with the conservative values ​​I have defended for decades. Representative Taylor-Green is playing with Nick Fuentes and his move is embarrassing, “Pompeo wrote on Twitter.

Even a colleague of far-right Congresswoman Lauren Boubert distanced herself from Green: “I do not apologize for the other members and what they say or do. I do not support white supporters like Nick Fuentes, period.

After Green’s speech to AFPAC, speaker Vincent James Fox told the crowd, “They want to replace you.”

“Western white culture is the culture of the majority that even non-whites assimilate today – and they are better than that.”

When Green left CPAC, where she also spoke to the crowd, she claimed she did not know Fuentes.

“I do not know Nick Fuentes. I’ve never heard him speak, I’ve never seen a video. I don’t know what his views are, so I don’t agree with anything that is contradictory, “she told CBS reporter Robert Costa.

“I went to his event last night to address his many followers because they are very young followers and this is a generation I am extremely concerned about,” she said.

And as her appearance at the conference drew media attention, Green wrote on Twitter: “I will not play the guilt game by association, in which you require every conservative to justify everything ever said by someone with whom he has ever shared a room. I will not be involved in this. I am only responsible for what I say. So ask me about my speech.

Green came out as a special guest at Fuentes' AFPAC event to talk about

Green came out as a special guest at Fuentes’ AFPAC event to talk about “god and freedom.” The two were filmed together at Friday’s event

US MP Marjorie Taylor Green (center) has denied knowing white nationalist Nick Fuentes (right), although she posed with him and right-wing expert Michelle Malkin during his conference on America's first political action in Orlando on Friday.

US MP Marjorie Taylor Green (center) has denied knowing white nationalist Nick Fuentes (right), although she posed with him and right-wing expert Michelle Malkin during his conference on America’s first political action in Orlando on Friday.

“I was talking about God and freedom. I will also not deny the opportunity to speak to 1,200 young patriots from America First because of a few frivolous remarks from another speaker, even if I find these remarks unpleasant. ”

“I want to embrace the young, boisterous and energetic conservatives in our movement, not cancel them out, as the establishment does.

“I will play him. You talked to a group about white supremacy. You defend your presence there. If this was not a strange world, you would be rebuked and excommunicated from the Republican Party. In the end, you will lose, just like Putin. And people will curse your name, “spokesman Adam Kinsinger, R-Ill, said on Twitter.

One Republican remains in Green’s camp: Donald Trump. He praised the congresswoman when she took the CPAC stage, jokingly describing her as “a man who is very shy, doesn’t like to say what he thinks, but still does.”

Even Republican National Committee (RNC) chairwoman Rona McDaniel described Green’s appearance at the event, saying in a statement: “White supremacy, neo-Nazism, hate speech and bigotry are disgusting and have no home in the Republican Party.”

An RNC member suggested on Twitter that he would pass a resolution condemning Green and Gosar, just as the committee did for Kinsinger and Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., To join the House of Representatives committee on January 6.

McDaniel did not reject the idea, but instead suggested in an interview with reporters that the next party meeting in August would be a forum to discuss the issue.