The popularity of the CAQ is frightening

The CAQ’s popularity is scary

As a reminder, here is its definition. The Achilles heel is a fatal weakness despite great overall strength. This reference here refers metaphorically to other personal qualities that could lead to Mr. Legault’s failure.

François Legault is not an intellectual whose job it is to play with concepts. He is a pragmatic man repelled by ideological discourses. A trained accountant, he prefers to align numbers, which makes him a moderate man in politics. A man of adjustments instead of confrontations.

In the PQ, he was surrounded by charismatic tenors who handled words like Guy Lafleur outwitted goalkeepers and stunned crowds with his legendary goals.

PLQ leader Dominique Anglade this week accused the prime minister of having no heart when speaking about immigrants. The opposition leader is not only hurtful towards François Legault, she is also misguided.


Mr. Legault is uncomfortable talking about concepts such as identity nationalism, immigration, systemic racism, trap words used with violence and even perversion by his opponents, including the ideologues who despise and despise him and now his stratospheric fear popularity.

The latest polls ahead of the October elections are driving the opposition parties crazy. The media is on high alert over voting intentions, which could trigger a tidal wave that would find the CAQ with more than a hundred MPs in the National Assembly.

To be honest, François Legault’s Achilles’ heel is not just the fact that he gets bogged down in words, as he did when he spoke of the eventual “Louisianization” of Quebec in relation to the French demographic downturn, but paradoxically it is it is also the “too” massive support of the Francophones for the CAQ.

Let us add that a significant portion of allophones support François Legault’s policies not only in dealing with the pandemic but also in relation to immigration. Ask immigrants from Quebec who have already settled and learned French if they all share Justin Trudeau’s multicultural vision of a post-national Canada.


Immigration is a risky subject. As well as Quebec nationalism. Prime Minister Legault is of course better intellectually equipped to debate economics and business than politically troubling matters because they are highly passionate and existential.

British historian Arnold Toynbee’s remark that “the law of numbers is inescapable” should be added to the Quebec motto. In French-speaking Quebec, which survived the centuries only thanks to the revenge of the cradles until 1960, immigration is absolutely necessary.

François Legault must state the whole reality in black and white. Without forcing French as the language of communication for immigrants in Quebec, the collective future of the nation will not be secured. After the “No” of the two referendums, the current vision of the CAQ in power is our last chance.

Are we going to punish François Legault for the tremendous support he is receiving from voters? Because none of the other parties in the running are fit to govern because of their programs that only attract minority voters.

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