Elizabeth II anniversary ​​Prince Andrew absent due to Covid timing

Elizabeth II anniversary: ​​Prince Andrew absent due to Covid, timing calling Pure People

Prince Andrew, son of Queen Elizabeth II, was absent from Her Majesty’s Jubilee on Thursday 2 June due to demonstrations. He will also not attend the service scheduled for Friday June 3 in London, still as part of his mother’s 70th anniversary celebrations. The reason for this absence? He would have contracted Covid-19.

Bad news of course, but it seems timely for the 62-year-old prince, who probably wouldn’t go down very well with the crowds and even his relatives. As a reminder, the Duke of York is being stripped of his royal role forever, a decision Buckingham Palace made after learning of the sexual assault allegations against him. Specifically, after learning that the American judiciary would consider the civil “sexual assault” lawsuit filed by an American against the Brit. The latter has been particularly embarrassed for several years because of his close ties to American businessman Jeffrey Epstein, who has been accused of sexual assault before committing suicide in prison in 2019.

Prince Harry and his wife were also robbed of a balcony

A case that has not failed in the image and reputation of the royal family. Which left the sovereign no choice but to ban her son from joining her family on the balcony of Buckingham Palace this Thursday to greet the crowd. This honor belongs only to family members who “work” for the monarchy and their children. A sanction also applied to Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle.

Although the case dates back to January, Prince Andrew was seen with his mother at Westminster Abbey last March for the ceremony commemorating Prince Philip, husband of the Queen who died last year. A performance poorly perceived by a segment of the British public. Be that as it may, Prince Andrew is unlikely to be present until the end of the celebrations, save for one extraordinary turn of events.