zodiac signs rough day march 17 2022

3 zodiac signs with a rough horoscope for March 17, 2022

With Mercury sextile Neptune among us, we can expect our days to be filled with memories – the kind that make us feel both sad and nostalgic.

This is the day when we say things like: “Wow, things have changed since then” and “I miss this.” We tend to give more importance to the past than to the present.

But, unfortunately, we also tend to turn the present moment into something terrifying and unpleasant.

We may even be aware that we are doing it, but it won’t matter because it makes the day hard. Because we can’t get rid of it. Duty may call, and responsibility may beckon.

We will continue to compare everything with the past, arguing that “then” everything was better and today is of little worth.

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Maybe it’s just a way for some people to take a break from the heavy day’s responsibilities. However, this will not actually work, given that our mental presence is necessary.

So, with Mercury strengthening in sextile Neptune, we will slip into the past where we think it is a safe sound and better than what we have today.

But, of course, we will deceive ourselves, and we will also be aware of this. Alas, this is not just the day when we think that living in the past is fashionable.

This is the day we also show that we haven’t grown up, that we’re just as bad as we used to be, and that we’re no longer ready to learn. In other words, “Get off my lawn!”

Three zodiac signs that have a rough horoscope with challenges and obstacles to overcome on Thursday, March 17, 2022:

1. Scales

(September 23 – October 22)

You may not find this day so hard, but that doesn’t mean you won’t make it hard for others, because that’s what you’ll be doing.

You feel that you have the right to say whatever you want, and that if you say something frankly nasty, then so be it, you will do what you want, and so what if they do not understand the joke. And so you will give out every sarcastic comment – it’s just a joke.

“Am I not funny? Am I not a wild laugh with my insults and hollow insults or complete lack of respect?

What makes this day difficult for YOU is that someone will report it to you and you won’t like being the one associated with the inappropriate behavior.

That’s what you become, Libra: out of place. The more you cling to the past, the more you become like an ignoramus who refuses to change with the times.

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2. Scorpio

(October 23 – November 21)

The Mercury-Neptune sextile turns you into “that person”, as someone who constantly quotes old songs and believes that life was once much better than it is now.

While it doesn’t sound particularly harsh, you’ll find that your opinions and thoughts are not as valued by others as you imagined. In fact, you start to look like a snob or worse: someone who is completely out of touch with reality.

What you think is best is good for you, but not necessarily good for someone else. Therefore, you judge and condemn those around you as if their path is of absolutely no importance.

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This transit makes you tense and intolerant, and we all know that such a feeling will never give you what you want. In fact, it helps to isolate and prevent you from enjoying everything that is right in front of your face.

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3. Aquarius

(January 20 – February 18)

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Today will bring you the need for speed and that means you will feel the need to do everything quickly. Unfortunately, this also means that you will forget something important in your sudden maneuvers. That’s what ruins everything. Mercury sextile Neptune reveals your creative side.

However, it does nothing for your rational, rational side, and this is where things go wrong today. This is the case when good intentions go to waste simply because of hasty efforts.

You need to step aside and do some research, not dive without knowledge; this is very important for you to know today.

Don’t take the steps you are about to take without seeing the big picture. First study, and then go for gold. If you act in haste, you will make mistakes that you will regret.

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Ruby Miranda has been interpreting the I Ching, Tarot, Runes and Astrology since childhood. She has been giving private readings and has been an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter.