1654379168 Ukraine tears up Emanuel Macron for not wanting to humiliate

Ukraine tears up Emanuel Macron for not wanting to ‘humiliate’ Russia

French President Emmanuel Macron said on Saturday that his country should not “humiliate” Russia during its war with Ukraine – prompting Ukraine’s foreign minister to retort that Macron “can only humiliate France”.

“We must not humiliate Russia so that the day the fighting stops, we can use diplomatic means to build an exit ramp,” Macron said in an interview with regional newspapers published on Saturday. “I am convinced that France’s role is to be a mediating power.”

Macron also said: “I think and I said so [Putin]that he is making a historic and fundamental mistake for his people, for himself and for history.’

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitro Kuleba delivered a scathing response Response on Twitterand stated that Ukraine and its allies should instead work to “put Russia in its place.”

Russia entered Ukraine in an unprovoked attack from February, razing cities and killing thousands of civilians while Ukraine, backed by NATO and the West, fought back.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro KulebaUkrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said Ukraine and its allies should “put Russia in his place”. REUTERS

“Calls to avoid humiliating Russia can only humiliate France and any other country that calls for it,” he tweeted on Saturday.

“Because it is Russia that is humiliating itself,” he added. “We’d all better focus on how to put Russia in its place. This will bring peace and save lives.”

Since President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine at the end of February, Macron has tried to keep in touch with him. In recent months, his strategy has been torn apart by some European allies, who are hampering efforts to force Putin to negotiate an end to the war.

Russian militaryFrench President Emmanuel Macron said Russia should not be “humiliated” so that diplomacy can prevail once fighting stops. AFP via Getty Images

Macron has spoken with Putin since the siege began 100 days ago — attempts to reach an agreement on a ceasefire and start negotiations between Kyiv and Moscow.

During an 80-minute phone call last week, leaders of France and Germany asked Putin for an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine. Last month, the two Western European countries blocked the war-torn country’s bid to join the European Union.

Asked about the mediation offer on national television, Ukrainian presidential adviser Mykhailo Podolyak replied that there was “no point in negotiating” with Russia until Ukraine receives new weapons from the West and Russian forces are “as close to the borders as possible.” of Russia” pushed back Ukraine.”

Ukraine warUkraine’s Foreign Minister Kuleba said President Macron can only “humiliate France” by calling to avoid humiliating Russia. AFP via Getty Images

Currently, Russia occupies about 20% of Ukrainian territory as Kyiv receives more powerful weapons from America.

Among other things, the United States will provide Ukraine with precision HIMARS missile systems, allowing the country to attack Russian positions from a longer range.

France, for its part, has supplied offensive weapons, including Caesar howitzer guns from French army stocks. Macron said he had urged arms manufacturers to speed up production.

Ukraine warTwenty percent of Ukraine’s territory is currently occupied by Russia. AFP via Getty Images

“Our armed forces are ready for action [the new weapons] … and then I think we can start a new round of talks from a strengthened position,” said David Arakhamia – a Ukrainian lawmaker and member of the negotiating team – on Friday.

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