Corona statistics 2621 new infections in Austria

Corona statistics: 2621 new infections in Austria |

In Austria, 2,621 new corona infections were recorded in the last 24 hours (at 9:30 am). This is above the average of the last seven days (2,587) and well above the value of last Saturday, when 1,766 new infections were detected. Four people died as a result of the Corona. The seven-day incidence was 201.6 cases per 100,000 population.

According to data from the Ministry of Interior and Health, there were 35,888 active cases in Austria on Saturday, 683 fewer than the day before. 3,300 people were found to be healthy again within 24 hours.

There have been four Corona-related deaths since Friday, with a seven-day average of 2.6 per day. In total, the Covid 19 pandemic has already claimed 18,669 lives in Austria since its inception.

There were 467 people in the hospital, as many as were reported on Friday. 47 people continued to be treated in intensive care units.

A total of 62,429 rapid PCR and antigen tests were recorded in the last 24 hours. Of these, 57,101 were more significant PCR tests, with a positive rate of 4.6%. This 24-hour value was above the previous week’s average (an average of 2.2% of positive PCR tests).

On Friday, 3,782 vaccinations were performed. According to e-vaccination card data, a total of 6,829,129 people have already received at least one vaccine. 5,815,799 people and therefore 64.8% of Austrians have a valid vaccination.

The province with the highest seven-day incidence was again Vienna with 314.4, followed by Lower Austria, Salzburg and Vorarlberg (235.1, 195.7 and 190.7, respectively). Then come Burgenland (172), Upper Austria (156.8), Tyrol (151.1), Styria (119.1) and Carinthia (112.1).