107 new Covid infections on Friday in Vorarlberg

107 new Covid infections on Friday in Vorarlberg

04/06/2022 10:59 (act 04/06/2022 14:07)

The current crown numbers for Vorarlberg.

The current crown numbers for Vorarlberg. ©Canva

A total of 107 new corona infections were reported on Friday. 595 people in Vorarlberg are currently infected with the corona virus.

Corona numbers as of Friday : On Friday, 107 new corona infections were added in Vorarlberg, compared to 93 recoveries. This means that 595 people in Vorarlberg are actively infected with the corona virus.

The seven-day incidence in Vorarlberg was 204.9 on Friday. Across Austria, the seven-day incidence is 201.5.

situation in hospitals

A total of 11 Covid patients are currently being treated as inpatients.

Currently, 1 patient with Covid needs to be treated in the intensive care unit.

548 deaths in Vorarlberg

So far, 548 people in Vorarlberg have died from or from the corona virus.

District data

community figures

seven-day incidents

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