Legault promises Quebecers another check if hes re elected

Environment: The dangerous rejection of the CAQ

If we want to solve a problem, we deal with facts. We try to understand the causes. Rejection delays the implementation of solutions.

An alarming report

However, this is the dangerous stance favored by the Legault government in the environment. We saw that again this week in response to the report from the Commissioner for Sustainable Development.

As Janique Lambert uncovers structural issues and presents findings from February 2022, Environment Minister Benoit Charette falsely claims that “the situation is different today”.

This report reports the lack of transparency, indicators and adequate targets for more than five billion dollars earmarked to fund the fight against climate change, for which no assessment of effectiveness has been made. It is not the first time that the use of the Green Fund, renamed the Electrification and Climate Fund, has been heavily criticized.

In the words of HEC Montréal’s Johanne Whitmore, “It’s like accepting a financial advisor to put our money in a mutual fund without worrying about monitoring the return. »

Despite spending billions, the commissioner’s report shows that Quebec is not on track to meet its climate goals.


If the government recognized the climate emergency, it would review all its decisions for their environmental impact.

Sustainable mobility would be given priority. We would invest much more in active and public transport. Not in urban sprawl like in the third link.

The government would apply the polluter pays principle through real eco-fiscal measures. It would be fair as the rich really do pollute more.

We would focus on circular economy and reducing material consumption.

We would legislate to build and renovate our buildings to make them more eco-efficient. Etc.

In short, there is no lack of solutions, but rather a lack of recognition of the urgency. The CAQ must come out of this dangerous denial.

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