Men and women A background to Riccardo Guarnieri and

Men and women / A background to Riccardo Guarnieri and Ida Platano revealed …

News for men and women June 4: Background on Apulian knight Riccardo Guarnieri revealed

The season of men and women ended, but the curtain has not yet fallen on the protagonists. The eyes of the public are indeed on it Ida Platano and Riccardo Guarnieri who said goodbye after a furious argument that ended their relationship. Riccardo’s return to the show had rekindled Ida’s old feelings and she was ready to try again. However, leaving for dinner definitely marked the break between the two. Today, however, he is talking about Ida and Riccardo Marco Alabiso, former knight of the throne who had come onto the show to meet Ida.

La Platano and Marco dated for a few weeks. There was also a kiss between the two, but the acquaintance was then cut short by the will of Ida, who admitted to trying to get to know him but not feeling that would lead her to continue dating. Today Marco spoke about Ida, but also about Riccardo and revealed the background of the Apulian knight.

Men and women, the words of Marco Alabiso about Ida Platano and Riccardo Guarnieri

Marco AlabisoIn the mics of Men and Women Magazine, he explained that he left the throne because he came Ida Platano, Faced with the latter’s decision to continue with Riccardo Guarnieri, he walked away but admitted he would have happily stayed if anyone had asked him. “It ended because she still loves Riccardo and as he started to put himself in the middle of our story, she also started to change her character. What I thought came true, she still wanted to try him,” Marco said.

“Riccardo was definitely annoyed, after this video he started getting in each other’s way in our relationship. From then on the clashes started and I started attacking him violently because I wanted to put him in his place. He exaggerates, he wants to be a star. We’ve never made it clear why he doesn’t deal with people face to face. When I asked him to come into the dressing rooms to discuss, he didn’t even show up. He’s only good in front of the camera. Her camera was a foregone conclusion,” added Marco.