Original Gerber baby Ann Turner Cook dies

Original Gerber baby Ann Turner Cook dies

According to an announcement by Gerber on Instagram, the original Gerber baby, Ann Turner Cook, died on Friday.

“Gerber is deeply saddened by the passing of Ann Turner Cook, the original Gerber baby whose face was designed into the iconic Gerber logo more than 90 years ago. Many years before she became an extraordinary mother, teacher and writer, her smile and expressive curiosity captured hearts everywhere and will live on as a symbol for all babies. We send our deepest condolences to Ann’s family and to all who had the pleasure of meeting her,” the announcement said.

Meet the Gerber Baby, all grown up 04:15

Born in 1926, Cook was only a few months old when an artist and neighbor named Dorothy Hope Smith sketched her face in charcoal. In 1928, Gerber held a competition to find a face to represent a baby food advertising campaign, and Smith submitted her sketch of an adorable baby with bright eyes, noting that if she won, she would complete the sketch, according to Gerber -site.

Smith won the competition, and Cook’s illustration remained a sketch, which helped launch the Gerber brand. In 1991, Gerber adopted it as an official trademark, according to their website. Since then, the Gerber Baby has featured on all Gerber packaging and advertising.


Photo credit: Gerber Products/AP)

Cook’s identity was kept secret until 1978. A poll was conducted in the United States to guess the identity of the Gerber baby, with answers ranging from Elizabeth Taylor to Bob Dole.

“I was probably about 3 years old when my mom pointed to a baby food jar and said that was my picture,” Cook told CBS Sunday morning in 2013. “I thought it was quite a beautiful thing.”

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