A woman left disgusted by her boyfriend that he got drunk and kissed a girl

A woman is forced to dump her boyfriend after he lets his friends check his phone while he’s drunk, potentially allowing them to see the X-rated photos she sent him.

The anonymous British woman took a yes Mumsnet to ask for advice on how to deal with the situation.

She explained that her boyfriend of 10 months was at a party when he wrote to her: “I kissed a girl tonight x”.

When she challenged him, he said his friends had taken his phone and sent her the message as a joke.

A woman was disgusted by her boyfriend's behavior after he got drunk at a party, kissed another girl and allowed her friends on her phone to see her explicit photos (file photo)

A woman was disgusted by her boyfriend’s behavior after he got drunk at a party, kissed another girl and allowed her friends on her phone to see her explicit photos (file photo)

The anonymous woman from the United Kingdom joined the topic

The anonymous woman from the United Kingdom joined the topic “Am I Being Unreasonable?” Topic on the forum’s website to see if other women can help her decide how to deal with her boyfriend

She continued: “I’m not shocked about that. I’m p **** e that he has my revealing photos / images (the ones you expect between gf and bf) and explicitly saved messages.

“They’re really easy to find on his phone (think Snapchat) and I’m so upset that they may have been discovered or seen by others. I trusted him, and he foolishly let others on his phone.

The woman explained that her boyfriend did not understand why she was upset.

She said her boyfriend was “really such a good person”, but she was afraid she would not be able to see beyond that behavior.

The woman added: “Am I unreasonable to be angry with him? I thought it might be my fault that I was sending things like that, but it hurt me that he was so careless. There are nasty bastards in this world and the phone may have been transferred or videos taken. Maybe I’m just thinking about it. The advice is welcome.

Many users said she should break up with her boyfriend after deleting all photos and videos from his phone. Others noted that he seemed likely to have kissed someone else.

54718265 10556899 image a 8 1645976630178 54718015 10556899 image a 9 1645976635203 54718043 10556899 image a 14 1645977235609 The community was adamant about both the boyfriend and the woman, which many said was not

The community was adamant about both the boyfriend and the woman, which many said was not “expected” or “normal” to send explicit photos of yourself.

Others blamed the woman, saying she should not have sent him X-rated content.

One said, “Look at him and delete all your photos from his phone (if that’s something you’re worried about), then dump him.”

“And in the future, I would advise you not to send revealing photos of yourself to anyone. Or, if you think you need to send them for some reason, make sure they don’t include your face.

Another user said that these photos should not even be sent to someone you are married to, given the risks it poses: “I am very sorry. But these are not “images you’d expect” to share for just that reason.

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“You haven’t even known this man in a year.” It is foolish to send such things, even if you are married. You just don’t know who can get these images. He is a suitcase. You must be so hurt.

“Like PP [previous posters] said, arrange to see it, then make sure you delete all these images (also from deleted items and cloud) just like limiting the damage. But he can give already sent to others or store them elsewhere.

“Then drop it and block it and move on. What a complete bastard and it seems that his friends are equally disgusting, you will get rid of it well.

Another user added: “Trust will disappear now and every time he leaves with these friends, you will worry. Reduce your losses and, as above, remove all images from your device that involve exposing yourself.

54718007 10556899 image a 19 1645977333508 54718031 10556899 image a 12 1645977218497 The woman was called to break up with her boyfriend after deleting all evidence

The woman was called to break up with her boyfriend after deleting all evidence

Most respondents said they did not believe his argument that he was not the one sending the message to the upset girlfriend.

“It sounds cruel,” said one user. “I do not believe that he did not send the message.

“I think he sent him to hurt you.” Admiring other women in front of you is also hurtful. This person takes pleasure in hurting your feelings. Look at it, delete the photos, then get rid of it! He is disgusting.

Someone else repeated the dangers of sending nude photos of yourself to someone, no matter how reliable you think they are: “Howay OP [original poster]he sent the message when he was angry, hoping for a reaction from you.

“Obviously he thought better of it after he sobered up.” Whether he really kissed someone doesn’t really matter – his text was to hurt you, whether it’s true or not. I would drop it because of the old excuse, “my friend sent it.”

“Please don’t send recognizable photos to anyone, no matter how good you think – it’s not worth the stress of breaking up.”