Cuba celebrates World Food Day PAHOWHO Pan American Health

Cuba celebrates World Food Day PAHO/WHO | Pan American Health Organization PAHO

HAVANA, 7 June 2022 (PAHO) — In Cuba, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (CITMA); the National Office for Standardization (ONN); the Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) and the Ministry of Agriculture (MINAGRI) organized the central activity of World Food Safety Day. The event was dedicated to reflecting on the importance of the issue for people’s health and countries’ development, as well as the efforts being made on the island to move forward in terms of food safety.

The activity was led by Elba Rosa Pérez Montoya, Minister of CITMA; José Moya Medina, PAHO/WHO Representative; Carilda Peña García, Deputy Minister of Public Health; Diosnel San Loys Martínez, Deputy Minister of Agriculture; Diorgys Hernández Díaz, Deputy Minister for Food Industry; Pedro Pablo del Pozo, FAO advisor; Gabriela Hernández from WFP; and Nancy Fernández Rodríguez, Director General of ONN and President of the National Codex Alimentarius Committee. In addition, organisations, companies, workers and academics linked to the food chain participated online.

This date, celebrated every June 7th since 2018, was approved by the United Nations General Assembly on the proposal of the FAO and the WHO. Five calls to action are made on this occasion: growers grow safe food; ensuring security by governments; maintain safe food in the production and distribution chain; Learn security and act together for it. The theme to which the celebration is dedicated is “Safer Food, Better Health”.

World Food Safety Day

The event featured multiple interventions analyzing the global burden of foodborne diseases, which is more than 250. Such diseases affect people of all ages, particularly women, children as young as five and populations affected by conflict, migration and/or low income. It is estimated that there are 600 million cases of foodborne illness and about 423,000 deaths from eating contaminated food each year. Only when food is safe can its nutritional value and the psychological and social benefits of safe food be fully realised.

Likewise, the country’s progress in terms of food safety was commented on, particularly in terms of strengthening public policies and education, processes that are managed across sectors. In this sense, the Food Sovereignty and Nutrition Education Plan stands out, along with the legal norm that implements it. The meritorious work of the National Codex Alimentarius Committee was also recognized.

The occasion was also opportune to pay tribute to the work of many officials, specialists and producers who contribute to food safety every day. The cooperation of various organizations of the United Nations system in Cuba was also recognized, which for their part confirmed their willingness to continue to accompany the country in the actions carried out in favor of the health of Cuban men and women.

World Food Safety Day