1647699369 Suffocated during a police check arrested man dies as George

Suffocated during a police check, arrested man dies as George Floyd

March 18, 2022 2:00 am

“I can’t ‘breathe”, “I can’t breathe”: The last sentence of 38-year-old Edward Bronstein is the same as that of the African-American man who was killed in the same way in Minneapolis on May 25, 2020

Suffocated during a police check arrested man dies as George

1647699369 674 Suffocated during a police check arrested man dies as George

In the 18-minute clip The agents put the tied man on the ground and push with their hands knees on his back for a blood draw while screaming that he’s willing to do it voluntarily. Then you keep repeating Floyd’s own words, “I can not breathe” (“I Can’t Breathe”) before losing consciousness for three minutes and dying.

1647699369 773 Suffocated during a police check arrested man dies as George

Suffocated during a police check arrested man dies as George

The video has been published after you decide to use it in one federal charge of manslaughter, brought by the Bronstein family against the State of California and the individual agents who were at the scene when Bronstein died. No officer has been formally charged in connection with Bronstein’s death. The decision to release the video was made because “the public’s interest in the conduct of their peace officers outweighs other interests and any particular risk of harm,” Judge John McDermott said in his order.

