1647700359 NATO intervention the red line must not be crossed

NATO intervention, the red line must not be crossed

NATO intervention the red line must not be crossed

Eastern countries are pushing for NATO. The Russian War in Ukraine it upsets all existing balances between states. Now among the forces trying to counter Wladimir Putin two pages would have emerged. On the one hand, as Repubblica explains, they exist the “hawks” and on the other The “Realists”. The first front primarily includes almost all countries of Eastern Europe Poland and the Baltic States. In short, everyone that borders Russia.

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According to the “hawks”, the Atlantic Pact should represent a “red line”. a red line that must not be crossed in any case, under threat of an immediate military response from NATO. For eastern countries, this line should be represented by the use of chemical weapons and the time limit. So NATO should be ready to intervene if Moscow switches to gas or if the conflict lasts too long. However, not everyone, especially the United States, likes the proposal. Joe Biden, In fact, he sees any direct conflict with Moscow as a nightmare.

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But many trust and hope in the time factor. If Ukraine manages to hold out for long, Russian forces may fail and eventually be forced to surrender. That’s why the US would stay Progress on sanctions and arms deliveries to Kyiv. In short, it is almost certain that at next Thursday’s summit the White House chief will decide to continue along the same lines and not accept the “hawks'” push for the “red line”.

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