Putin is the speech at the stadium a fake The

Putin, is the speech at the stadium a fake? The strange similarities to an identical event in 2021

The speech of Putin at the Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow, it could be a fake skilfully assembled by the Russian propaganda machine. The President has spoken to thousands of people but is yellow in the images being broadcast. And on social media, the image relaunched by the program “Quarto Grado” on Rete 4, showing a still of yesterday’s speech, is circulating, identical to an event from 2021. Ukrainian media showed some videos in which the audience being there would have Putin booing, and that could be the reason for the “technical problem” that interrupted the Tsar’s speech.


Targeted propaganda

About 200,000 people flocked to attend the “royal speech” yesterday, according to Russian reports. But the technique used to show such strong approval from people would be the same as that used in the past. The stadium must have been full, but the stands would have been filled with unsuspecting students, government officials being blackmailed by employers, and others who were promised repayments. In short, a real staging. And the fact that until a few hours before the operation no one knew about the show at Luzhniki Stadium would be further confirmation. But actually nothing new. Putin continues to feed the propaganda, speaking of “denazification” or “donbass genocide.” The whole world knows his technique, but history does not change.