1647704133 flying chairs and punches in the face Very strong images

flying chairs and punches in the face. Very strong images

flying chairs and punches in the face Very strong images

Heavy blows. scenes one brutal violence Arriving direct from the Bronx, New York. A video published by Mail Online and relaunched by Dagospia, coming straight from the Seafood City restaurant.

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What happens? Soon it is said: A group of women unleashes a violent fight, in between forbidden shots and flying chairs. It’s not yet clear what caused the chaos, but sure the high alcohol content played a role in such an outburst of anger.

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The video was shot by a witness: after uploading it online, he did so immediately hoard of views. Incidentally, there had already been a violent chair-throwing brawl in the same restaurant in 2017 (and even then a video was circulating).

Funny and amusing is the title that Dagospia appends to the story: “But how nice is the return to normality“The reference is of course overcoming the Covid emergency.