1647706575 Red light advertising horror on the skin of war refugees

Red light advertising, horror on the skin of war refugees

Red light advertising horror on the skin of war refugees

Gianluca Veneziani March 19, 2022

There has to be some form of ethics in willingness to do marketing and make money. There must be a minimum level of respect for people, regardless of business needs. It’s the first objection that comes to you when you see the dating site’s page appearing under the on the Facebook homepage. UkraineDatecomplete with type click catcher throws “Meet Ukrainian Women”, «Find your Ukrainian beauty» and photos of pretty daughters from Kyiv and surroundings. Intrigued and indignant, you go to the site with 20,000 followers and discover that this service allows you to meet “quality singles” “in Ukraine and around the world”. The site, which has 800,000 members, reads that “if you are looking for Ukrainian singles, you can find your perfect match” as “UkraineDate has connected thousands of singles with Ukrainian women everywhere”.

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Well, that there are thousands of single Ukrainian women in the world is a dramatically true fact, not because they are “available” for gallant or erotic encounters, but because of the not inconsiderable contingency that they had to leave their homes and their Men seek salvation elsewhere. Posting this invitation to meet “good” Ukrainian women around the world now sounds at least in bad taste. For heaven’s sake, in the free market, everyone promotes their ministry the way they want. But was it worth sponsoring this dating site at this historical stage? And was it the case that Facebook makes money from it since every is worth a lot of money to the social network? Mark Zuckerberg’s company moralizes a lot about allegedly objectionable content from user sensibilities. Well, this time, didn’t he and his collaborators think that certain content could provoke the outrage of Ukrainians, Ukrainians and others? In fact, it was not well received by users: among the UkraineDate posts there were comments such as “But do you think it is so?”, “You are sick, but you have it in your head!”, “I think so all very offensive”, “enough vultures”.

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At least one other Facebook page called “Russian and Ukrainian Girls” had the good taste, on February 20, at the beginning of the outbreak of war, to suspend posts inviting them to meet “many beautiful and interesting girls from the former USSR hold true”. . In order to forget about the invasion of Ukraine and seek evasive maneuvers, it seems rather tasteless to rely on other channels. Like the many who allow acquaintances without reference to nationality. And which have experienced exponential growth in recent times. For example, Incontri-ExtraConiugali.com reports that registrations have increased by 180% since February 24, the day the war broke out, with an average of 920 registrations per day. A poll conducted by the same site shows that many who pursue treason as an escape valve in times of war conflict and economic uncertainty subscribe. In fact, most of those cheated (73%) say they are looking for a distraction while waiting to find their personal balance again. In times of war everything becomes uncertain, even love. And it gets even better. It’s fine as long as the image of already battered creatures isn’t exploited. Who need everything but to be presented as willing women…

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