1647719244 Everyone is going back to Moscow what are we waiting

“Everyone is going back to Moscow, what are we waiting for?”. Censorship, a very serious suspect

Everyone is going back to Moscow what are we waiting

After initial concerns, all European and international TV stations have now decided to return to Moscow. Rai is the only exception. “Everybody’s coming back, why are we still closed? What are we waiting for to reopen?‘ asked the correspondent from Russia Markus Innaro in a letter to Carlo Fuortes and all RAI executives. Il Fatto Quotidiano writes it. The journalist, who has never left the Russian capital, said he was against it from the start until the closure and has been urging a recovery for several days now.

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The flight of television from Moscow dates back to March 5, when the Duma passed a law providing for this Restrictions on Reporters, with the risk of up to 15 years in prison for correspondence deemed “anti-government”. After a few days, however, the initial panic seems to have returned, with almost all correspondents returning. The Viale Mazzini Law Firm says on the one hand that “there are no conditions for reopening”, on the other hand it does not close all the doors but reserves the right to assess the possible evolutions of the situation.

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Contrary to this postponement, Usigrai notes: “Now the stop is taking more the form of a precautionary measure to protect journalists a gag imposed by the ad Fuortes and from above undue pressure from the parties at the expense of a renowned journalistic bureau belonging to the company.” At the heart of the controversy is the notion that Innaro was Proutinian so judged, particularly when the journalist showed Tg2 a map showing NATO expansion. This even prompted Letta to ask for correspondent rotation. The need to “withdraw” journalists from Moscow therefore came at just the right time. Now, however, everyone has withdrawn.

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