1647719681 Vince McMahon once made Steve Austin say ass on WWE

Vince McMahon once made Steve Austin say “ass” on WWE TV to win a bet

On the latest episode of the DDP Snake Pit podcast, AEW’s Jake Roberts reminisced about the time Stone Cold’s Steve Austin hit Vince McMahon for swearing.

According to Roberts, USA Network wasn’t thrilled when Austin started using the word “ass” on RAW a lot during his growth.

“The US kicked Vince’s ass because of Austin,” Roberts said. “He said ass. They didn’t want him to say “ass” anymore. So Vince called Steve right up to the table and said, “Steve, fuck the USA in my ass.” DO NOT talk ass there. I don’t need an escalation. Can you hear me?’ Steve said, “Yes, sir.”

Despite Vince McMahon’s warning, Roberts revealed that McMahon and Bruce Pritchard later made a bet on how many times Austin would use the word “ass” on television. McMahon would win the bet after secretly telling Steve Austin to say the word behind Pritchard’s back.

“Over there, Bruce Pritchard is sitting in the Gorilla position, and Steve walks, looks at Vince and says: “I bet he screwed up and said ass,” Roberts recalled. “And Vince said, ‘I bet how many times he says ‘ass’?” Pritchard said, “He’ll say it twice.” Vince said, “I bet he’ll say more than that.” Five dollar bet. Austin went out there, but poor Bruce didn’t know that Vince walked around the curtain and grabbed Steve as he was about to go through the curtain and said, “Say that at least 15 times.”

“And he let him go. He went out there and said “ass” every time he turned around. ‘Ass. Ass.’ Pritchard from behind cries, “What the fuck. I can’t believe he’s doing this.” Vince is like, “I’m going to wring his neck.” I’m going to kill him. He’s going to get us kicked off television. And Pritchard was like, “Damn it, Vince, don’t be mad at him like that.” Bruce didn’t want Steve to be swindled. Vince has worked with Bruce many times, it was only once.”

To cite this article, please credit DDP Snake Pit and provide Wrestling Inc. h/t for transcription.

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