Ms Marvels Iman Vellani reacts to her Ms Marvel trailer

Ms. Marvel’s Iman Vellani reacts to her Ms. Marvel trailer

Iman Vellani as Kamala Khan in Ms. Marvel poster.

Image: Marvel Studios

Earlier this week, Marvel unexpectedly unveiled the first Ms. Marvel trailer. The upcoming Disney+ series is finally putting New Jersey superhero turned inhuman teen Kamala Khan (played by relative newcomer Iman Vellani, marking her TV debut) into the spotlight after having had a slew of comics, cartoons and big part of a video game for people to recognize her as a future household name.

To celebrate, Marvel sat Vellani in front of a laptop to watch and react to an abridged version of the trailer. Disney stars don’t always react to the movies or shows they’re in, but this movie was especially sweet to watch. Vellani has a lot of charm and it’s fun to watch her look at herself with her chin clenched in the massive Infinity Gauntlet she’s wearing for no real reason. “I literally look like a kid,” she giggles at one point before gaining self-awareness. “I’m a child!” She’s definitely adorable and hopefully the show lives up to her expectations during the limited series run. “Now it’s real,” she beams, “Kamala has shared with the whole world!”

Vellani’s reaction to her own trailer really shows just how young the character needs to be, and what youthful energy Kamala is expected to bring to the MCU. While Tom Holland’s Spider-Man is also a teenager and very much like a child, his films have always focused on the big stakes, rather than the collision of ordinary high school life with the sudden impulse to discover that you are a superhero who can do anything. The series is the perfect place for Kamala to play in a way her fellow teen just can’t afford. When she hangs out with fellow Marvel co-stars Carol and Monica next year, I hope they keep her personality and vibe of the show intact.

Ms. Marvel premieres on Disney+ on June 8th.

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