They will not pass give us the right weapons

“They will not pass, give us the right weapons” –

by Lorenzo Cremonesi

The mayor of the capital, legendary boxer (with a doctorate). “We are pushing back the Russians, but the price of resistance is very high”

from our correspondent

Kyiv – “We Ukrainians are ready to stop the Russian advance. We have already blocked them at the gates of Kyiv. But we know that Putin plans to conquer our city, it was his original plan from the first day of the war and he will certainly try again. Let’s not give up and we need your help, our fight is yours too ». Mayor Vitali Klitschko does not deny his past as a professional boxer used to winning: a thoroughbred fighter. Three days ago we met him in front of the buildings of his city destroyed by Russian bullets while he encouraged the inhabitants. At 51, he maintains the lean physique of the athlete who continues to train. Yesterday he talked to us for a long time, happily addressing a European newspaper.

A few days ago, Russian troops were stationed in the village of Irpin, less than five kilometers from the city of Kyiv. But they could not enter: what happened?

“We stopped them. But the price was very high. Not only Irpin but also Hostomel, Bucha and many other villages are destroyed, there are over 30,000 displaced people and we still don’t know the number of victims in the areas outside of Kyiv. I believe that in the next two days we can push the Russians further away.”

But what if Putin, frustrated by the difficulties encountered, resorted to massive bombings of the capital?

“Three weeks ago, Russian special forces launched directly at Kyiv in the hope of occupying it quickly. But our troops successfully foiled this plan. And I’m very proud of our soldiers who had the will to fight back against one of the strongest armies in the world.”

The latest news about the war in Ukraine

What if long-range missiles arrive?

“We have already evacuated the most vulnerable and those unable to fight, and a vast network of shelters and bunkers has been prepared to save the population. I hope the bombing doesn’t start. We already register over 200 killed civilians in Kyiv, many children, not a day goes by when our people are not bombarded with dead, wounded, destroyed condominiums, houses, shops, schools and clinics. But of course Putin could attack us violently at some point».

Do you think the use of chemical or even nuclear weapons poses a risk? “A madman who instigated this absurd war in the heart of Europe could take equally mad moves. His ambitions are sick: killing children, women, the elderly, the sick for no reason is absurd. I hope it doesn’t happen ».

Can you confirm that only half of Kyiv’s original nearly four million inhabitants remain?

“Yes, about two million are still in the city. If Putin used chemical weapons, it would be a crime against an entire nation, an unacceptable fact ».

How do you explain that the city center of Kyiv has so far suffered much less damage than other cities like Kharkiv or Mariupol?

“For this reason, we continue to urge our European allies and NATO to send us the weapons needed to defend our airspace as soon as possible. If NATO cannot do that, we need the means to defend ourselves. We need Stinger anti-aircraft and anti-missile missiles and all those advanced weapons that can repel aerial attacks. Please support us”.

Therefore, you understand the reasons why NATO cannot create a no-fly zone that would lead to a direct confrontation with the Russians, but you demand arms. Correct?

“We are able to close our airspace ourselves, we have the soldiers and the knowledge to do so. We do not need direct NATO intervention. But we absolutely must have the right weapons. Don’t forget that we are defending our territory, but at the same time we are defending the fundamental values ​​of European democracy. Ukrainians are your wall, your front line, we will protect you from the next Russian invasion ».

Would you be willing to give up integration into the European Union in order to stop the Russian attack and make peace with Putin?

“No, I’m not. We’re Europeans. Everyone needs to know that the origin of this war is that Putin wants to recreate the old Soviet Union. But we have a very different vision of our future. That’s why we’re not just fighting to To defend Kyiv and our territories, but to guarantee the values ​​of European democracies, we fight for them ».

A few days ago you received the Polish, Czech and Slovenian premieres in Kyiv. Do you expect the same from other European leaders like Draghi or Macron?

“I have a lot of respect for everyone who supports us. Here we greatly appreciated the Italian proposal to finance the reconstruction of the Mariupol Theater destroyed by Russian bombs. Thank you to everyone who is coming here and bravely defying the Russian military threat».

And what do you think of the debate in Italy and in European countries about the risk of jeopardizing our Russian gas supplies to help Ukraine?

“My message is clear: Please block any economic relationship with Russia, because Putin uses every euro to strengthen his army marching against us. I would also like to say that I have infinite appreciation for the Italian families who welcome refugees from Ukraine into their homes. Really thanks to all Italians ».

March 18, 2022 (change March 19, 2022 | 09:58)