Will Butler of Arcade Fire leaves the band

Will Butler of Arcade Fire leaves the band

Will Butler, co-founder of Arcade Fire and brother of frontman Win Butler, has announced his departure from the band. In today’s Twitter thread, he explains: “I left at the end of last year when the new album was ready. There was no compelling reason other than that I had changed – and the band had changed – in the last almost 20 years. Time for new things.” He adds, “The band is still my friends and family.” He says he’s working on a new solo album (following 2020’s Generations) and music for a David Ajmi play, and has “a few other projects.”

Will has been noticeably absent from the band’s performances this week as they release their new WE album, their first in five years. Dan Bechner, best known as a member of Wolf Parade, filled in for him. Nothing is yet known about whether Beckner will stick with Arcade Fire or what their long-term plans are for Will’s replacement.

Read Will Butler’s post about leaving Arcade Fire below.