“China can be the important element of the global security system if it makes the right decision by supporting the coalition of civilized countries and condemning Russia’s barbarism.” This was confirmed in a post on his Telegram channel by Mykhailo Podolyak, Ukraine’s chief negotiator and adviser by President Zelenskyj, explained. “It’s a chance to sit at the same table as equals: the West needs to explain to Beijing how $1.6 trillion differs from $150 billion.”
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According to the latest report by the High Commissioner for Human Rights, since the beginning of the “Russian Federation’s armed attack on Ukraine”, 897 civilians have been killed, including 4 children, and 1,399 injured. The Bulletin contains only the cases documented by the UN. The same High Commissioner points out that the actual figure is “substantially higher” but difficult to verify due to the conflict. The United Nations had also “taken note” of the information from the Ukrainian prosecutor’s office that 112 children had been killed and 140 injured in the conflict.
In the latest update, UNHCR estimates that around 3.3 million refugees have fled Ukraine since the Russian invasion began. According to the Global Protection Cluster, an estimated 6.48 million people are displaced within Ukraine. It is estimated that more than 12 million people have been stranded in the affected areas.