The Pope prays for war refugees in Ukrainian and Russian

Belgium: cars against crowds, 6 dead and a dozen seriously injured politics

Cars pushed against the crowd at 5am this morning for a popular carnivalrelated demonstration in StrépyBracquegnies, the village of La Louviere in Wallonia, Belgium.

The death toll rises to 6 of the accident, which occurred before daybreak. This was reported by the Belgian broadcaster Rtbf, citing the emergency call center set up by the municipality of La Louviere.

According to reports from the city’s mayor, Jacques Gobert, “a speeding car threw itself into the crowd that had gathered to see it the ‘Ramassage des Gilles’ “, collecting some traditional carnival masks. “The driver continued his journey, but we intercepted him, “added the mayor. The municipality has triggered its municipal emergency plan. “The municipal sports hall is available to families and the victims who have been assisted activated as well,” explained Gobert.

The city of La Louvière officially launched the carnival season with the passage in the yellow code in early March, following the relaxation of the rules related to the pandemic. The StrépyBracquegnies carnival was supposed to start on March 20th with the traditional Gilles meeting, where participants go from house to house, and continue on March 21st and 22nd.

Belgium cars against crowds 6 dead and a dozen seriously

ANSA agency

Dancing masked characters recognized as Unesco heritage (ANSA)



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