“Send the guns to Ukraine? It’s inevitable, inevitable: we have to do it because the Ukrainians ask us to do it“. Like this Andrea ScanziConductor of the political talk ‘Agreements & Disagreements’with Luca Somiwith the participation of Marco Travaglioaired on the Nineanswered about the doubts about the real goal Arms shipments to Ukraine that could end up in the hands of mercenaries present in the country. “I’ve always been possessed by doubts, especially since the beginning of this conflict,” begins the editor of Il Fatto Quotidiano, “so I’m not sure if I sent guns or not. I can confirm that if I had been in Parliament a few weeks ago I would have voted yes at that moment and I would have voted yes today. I also have doubts about the logistics, but if you ask me an ethicalmoral question, as a European I cannot care about the pain, anger and invasion that Ukrainians are suffering. When Ukrainians tell me: “They are destroying the country for us, help us, send us weapons”, I cannot tell them: “I am not sending them to you because if I do I will prolong your torment, so give now on”. This reasoning is insane. So says Scanzi as a pacifist, as a leftist, unfortunately and I stress unfortunately, I agree with what I have heard Luigi di Maiobecause it seems to me the lesser evil, it seems to me something inescapable, inescapable, we have to do it because the Ukrainians ask us to do it.
‘Agreements & Disagreements’ is produced by loft productions for Discovery Italia and will be available in live streaming and then ondemand via the new streaming service discovery + as well as on the website, app and Smart TV of TV loft. Nove can be seen on digital terrestrial Kanal 9, Sky Canale 149 and Tivùsat Canale 9.