Cannabis liberalization is also coming in

Cannabis liberalization is also coming in Luxembourg

The Luxembourg government has taken the first steps towards cannabis liberalization.

Attorney General Sam Tanson introduced legislation on Wednesday that would allow the cultivation and consumption of small amounts of cannabis for recreational use. The purpose of the law is to reduce risks related to the origin and use of cannabis and reduce crime.

Four plants per person

In the future, each adult Luxembourger will have the right to grow four cannabis plants. However, these plants should not be visible in public spaces. Personal consumption in a private environment is allowed. In public, however, the consumption or possession of cannabis remains prohibited. Previous fines for this between 251 and 2500 euros will be reduced to an amount between 25 and 500 euros. Possession of less than three grams of cannabis can only be punished with a fine of 145 euros. If it has more than three grams, criminal proceedings will be initiated.

Commerce under government control

The Justice Minister’s statement states that allowing private cultivation and consumption in private spheres is “a first step” in the concept adopted by the liberal-green-social-democrat government coalition to combat the illegal cannabis trade. Tanson highlighted that this concept also includes “the creation of a national production and commercial chain under state control and the quality assurance associated with the product”.