1655540640 Eight and a half Francesca Donato at Gruber quotSuperaggressive Covid

Eight and a half, Francesca Donato at Gruber: "Superaggressive Covid? It’s not that you might…"

Francesca Donato

Francesca Donato mockery Lilly Gruber that he has been at home for seventeen days because he contracted Covid and was also very ill. “What about itSuper aggressive variant‘?” asks MEP no vax provocatively. “It’s not that maybe she has the immune system weakling?”, Donato adds: “Didn’t the boosters work?”.

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Words that the former Lega MP might have been able to spare. “I have this Omicron variant 4 or 5, the super aggressive one,” said the host of Eight and a Half on La7. “After living like a nun for two and a half years. One evening two and a half weeks ago we had dinner with about fifteen friends, there was an American, I know, he was from Davos and we were there infected practically all, except those who had had the virus a few months earlier,” Gruber explained.

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The moderator had such strong symptoms that Lilli Gruber achieved it weight of 44 kilos. “I have them all: fever at 38 and a half, Cough, Sore throat, headacheeven there loss of taste which I luckily bought back.” In short, he summarized: “It was a bad experience, I still feel very tired and very sluggish”.