Calabresa denounced Melhem days after he was removed from a

Calabresa denounced Melhem days after he was removed from a program on

Before Dani Calabresa denounced Marcius Melhem for sexual harassment, he was cut from a new show on Globo, Fora de Hora. This would have been one of the points that sparked the comedian’s dissatisfaction with the former director.

In March 2019 the new humorous project was started. The show that satirized the news was very similar to Furo MTV, which Calabresa and Bento Ribeiro presented on the music channel between 2009 and 2013. It was during this period that the comedian rose to fame.

Witnesses heard from the column said that Calabresa was very dissatisfied with the direction of creating the program, as Melhem “turned the project into something very far from the original.” Another annoyance was the news that she would be presenting the attraction with Paulo Vieira and not Ribeiro.

Pepperoni (left) reading the "Out of time"  reproduction  reproduction

Pepperoni (left) during the reading of “Fora de Hora”

Image: reproduction

Some team members even threatened to leave the project if Calabresa continued. Melhem then warned that the comedian was not in the plans, and Renata Gaspar took the job.

In September 2019, Globo management approved “Fora de Hora”. According to authors participating in the project, from then on the actress’s relationship with Melhem deteriorated. Days later, Calabresa went to the DAA (Department of Artistic Development and Supervision) and accused him of moral harassment.

In October, Melhem wrote to her and said he was sorry she had lost her sense of humor. When she learned in late November that she hadn’t been cast in the yearend comedy special (“A Gente Riu Assim”) either, she returned to the DAA to report him for sexual harassment as well.

“Fora de Hora” was on air in the first quarter of 2020 and was closed, as was Globo’s humor core, which was commanded by Melhem.

More vetoes against Calabresa

In her testimony before the Civil Police, Calabresa also accused Melhem of moral harassment and preventing her from participating in two programs: she would have been named in 2015 for a prominent role in a series directed by Miguel Falabella and for presenting a program on the GNT channel in 2016.

On file are the emails exchanged about the invitations to Calabresa. Along with Melhem, directors Maurício Farias and Cininha de Paula, as well as Barbara Lafeta and Monica Albuquerque, both of DAA, are included in the news in copy.

Albuquerque claims that Calabresa accepted the role of Falabella on the series without speaking to anyone because she was approached directly by Cininha de Paula (“She’s wrong, you can’t do that”).

The DAA, not Melhem, is vetoing Calabresa’s participation in the programs.

Emails veto Calabresa’s participation in a series and program on GNT

Monica Albuquerque asks Marcius Melhem and Maurício Farias to comment on the Calabresa  Reproduction invitation


Monica Albuquerque invites Marcius Melhem and Maurício Farias to comment on the invitation received from Calabresa

reproduction Cininha de Paula explains to Monica Albuquerque when she spoke to Calabresa to invite her to the series  Reproduction


Cininha de Paula explains to Monica Albuquerque when she spoke to Calabresa to invite her to the series

reproduction Melhem says he hasn't spoken to Cininha de Paula or anyone else about Calabresa


Melhem says he hasn’t spoken to Cininha de Paula or anyone else about Calabresa

reproduction Barbara Lafeta invites Marcius Melhem and Maurício Farias to Calabresa to make a program on GNT  Reproduction


Barbara Lafeta invites Marcius Melhem and Maurício Farias to invite Calabresa to a broadcast on GNT

reproduction Melhem talks to Maurício Farias about the invitation to Calabresa and says that the comedian was embarrassed to turn down the proposal  reproduction


Melhem speaks to Maurício Farias about the invitation to Calabresa and says the comedian was embarrassed to turn down the proposal


Other side

The lawyer wanted by the column, Antônio Carlos de Almeida Castro, representing Calabresa, said he would not comment “because the trial remains secret from the judiciary.” Oliveira Lima & Dall Acqua Advogados and Técio Lins e Silva, Ilidio Moura & Advogados Associados reported that “Marcius Melhem continues to say that secrecy does not favor him and that everything would be open, clear and transparent for him. Secrecy will be respected”.

Globo does not tolerate any form of harassment and has a code of ethics that must be followed by all employees in all areas of the company. Likewise, it has an ombudsman ready to receive reports of violations, which will be carefully investigated using any evidence to which Compliance has access. He also stated that he could not describe the investigative processes in detail as they are internal and staff are assured of confidentiality. The company said it also undertook to investigate the findings, not to comment on the findings and to take the appropriate actions.

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