ExBBB Lumena finds bags full of feces outside his door

ExBBB Lumena finds bags full of feces outside his door

Lumena cries after leaving two bags full of feces at the door of her home in São Paulo Reproduction Internet

Lumena is crying after leaving two bags full of feces outside the door of her home in São Paulo

Published on 06/17/2022 11:25 | Updated on 06/17/2022 11:29 am

Rio Former BBB Lumena Aleluia cried as she shared on social media that she found two bags full of feces on the door of her home this Thursday. Lumena was on “BBB 21” and said he’s received many attacks from haters since then. “I will no longer be silent in the face of so much aggression in my life, I can’t take it anymore,” she said.

Lumena said she would try not to cry when recounting what happened, but in the end she couldn’t hold back the tears. “I woke up today with poop on my door. Two bags of poo. I cried a lot, I said I’d try to talk to you without crying, but it’s very difficult. The lawyer is already being called, my manager already knowingly. I live alone and that’s what upsets me the most. I live in São Paulo at the moment, I have a very large support network, but the fact of living alone and waking up with this scene bothered me a lot. , She said.

She said she was woken up by the landlord’s honk and found the feces on the doorstep. “It was bizarre. I was sleeping when the submanager woke me up with honking. When I opened the door there was a bizarre scene, two bags with lots of poop. I can’t tell if it’s a dog or a human. . .

Lumena assured that he had no disagreements with anyone in his condo and said he will be spending a few days in Salvador, Bahia. “I’m going to Salvador, I’m taking a break. I’m not feeling well. All I can say is that. I’ve never experienced anything on the road, quite the opposite. I’ll try to renew the mood, but they have me today blown away with it. I was so sad. It’s one thing to endure the stuff on the internet, I’m used to it, but on the doorstep? On the street I never got retribution, people hug me and give me a chance to make new ones Presenting versions. Nothing has ever happened that has upset me so much. I’m going to visit my mother, stay with her for a while, I don’t know what to think. I’m not feeling well,” he lamented.

During her participation in “BBB 21,” Lumena was “cancelled” because she covered a few contestants, including Lucas Penteado, Juliette, and Carla Diaz. She formed a group with Karol Conká and Nego Di, who also left the reality show with public rejection.