Horoscope of the week Aries ready to declare yourself special

Horoscope of the week, Aries ready to declare yourself special…

It is the week of the solstice. The Sun marks the summer of the zodiac with its arrival in Cancer. Beautiful Venus transitions into Gemini and becomes summery and laughing, while the event of the week between the planets is a crucial conversation between Jupiter and Mercury that will give the twelve signals of synthesis…


The event of the week for you is definitely this meeting between Jupiter and Mercury, which is a very useful intellectual synthesis to help you shift many parts of your life, accepting a concrete and always unique becoming and avoiding obstacles as is also Mars holding the flag is up and urging you to believe that your life will soon have active and passionate implications, the time is to clean up and be ready for the weekend, the things you have not told a person before have to explain as special …


A final rush of energy and action before a break planned for the week, excellent mercury supports that will keep you busy completing some work tasks in a coherent and efficient manner, but your heavens must say goodbye to support of beautiful Venus no longer in yours side, then make good use of the weekdays to wrap up a few things and let your partner know what you’re feeling, already at the weekend there will be a need for rest and a decrease in activity, but this will happen let you rest…


This very intense week in which Jupiter and Mercury will help you greet the Sun which, after energizing you, is entering the sign of Cancer, but is preparing for a new guest or Venus that will be with you the summer season will begin making promises of affection and opportunities that you will not fail to live and find within yourself useful and fulfilling life and renewal, it will be wonderful to hear all of this now that the Season of the sun is over, be calmer and less exposed, perhaps it is appropriate to quietly enjoy your true affections that will never cease to amaze you and fill your life…


Are you ready to start your wonderful season?! You are summer, and it is this that you are experiencing with the power of solar renewal, but also with the romance of a Venus in the ideal twelfth field, helping you to reflect and rediscover your feelings, it will be a full time of pampering and attention , a period of calm and serene acceptance of the partner and all the complications of the couple better dealt with, here the sun begins to warm your skin and Venus the feelings, understanding with children or family members becomes excellent …


A great contribution from Jupiter and Mercury that will make you feel free and full of projects, order of thought and synthesis in work and social relationships. However, a great trine of these two elements will help you a lot in the meantime. The solar energies will eliminate each other for a while, maybe you will feel less protagonist or just want to stay a little more in your private life, while beautiful Venus will make you dream and inspire you, make you feel new feelings and affinities that you have in yourself will be felt, but also projects and new ideas for the future …


It’s a week that is finally giving up the heaviness of square with the Sun that has drained your energy and left you tired and always anxious to prove something to yourself as the Sun ceases hostilities, beautiful Venus grows spiteful towards you and that will also make you realize what is wrong in your relationship as a couple while your heaven is definitely busy planning on an emotional level a number of things involving family and relatives who need your advice while at the work will change something important and you will have a perception of how much less your dedication, but the relationships that have been created are lasting or not…

weight scale

A week begins in which the sense of justice that is typical for you can be questioned, you ask yourself whether the sense of your actions does not sometimes take into account a different view of the matter under consideration and sometimes even to balance the parts you do not take a position and leave others disappointed, Venus will be stimulating in this process and you will try to regain something and in time you will succeed, but something in you changes so much that you suspect there is additional to your truth more than often overlooked…


It’s a great week for you, ushering in a period of lucid recovery. In fact, the stars seem to have decided the end of a war for you, even if you are called to a greater commitment to work, finally Venus ceases to be opposite. and transitions into Gemini thus leaving Taurus and the Sun becomes aquatic in Cancer confirming your elemental nature, it’s finally a new season to live with commitment and without obstacles, you have a new opportunity at work, but do not confuse your feelings inappropriate areas …


Hers is a very beautiful image with a Jupiter and a Mercury in friendly synergy as the Sun moves away from wearisome opposition, the skies levitate you in a new light and serene perspective, and anything seems possible in the face of dialogues and agreements coming your way benefit at work, but here’s the discordant note, it’s the beautiful Venus that will take the place of the Sun in opposition, so loving attachments and affection in general give you the idea that you’re about to get out of hand , but it won’t be if relations are solid, don’t take fireflies for lanterns, but with a sky like this there’s something to hope for…


The skies get a little complicated for you, here the sun enters cancer and the tiring resistance of this summer begins, which by nature is not really your season, here is the couple openly face problems but the dose will increase Be the abandonment of Venus that comes from the trine that has kept you so emotionally involved in the game, if you really built here you will see the results of an authentic serenity, if you were careless someone could blame you presence in the emotional dimension, hold on tight and, above all, give yourself more to those who support you …


The sun will stop the magnificent trine that you have been enjoying for the time being, but the stars will not make you miss the contribution of beautiful Venus, who will enter the trine to color everything beautifully, and with love, love and Summer passions have come knocking on your door to make you feel reconnected with the creative and joyful part of you, perhaps the changing of the guard you needed to add a little more to the heaviness of a Saturn that has asked too much of you to soften and you will ask so much more , but only to create a new fortune in you, professionally you will grow a lot and in love you will be courted …


The skies are changing significantly for you in love, you need to be short on words and rid the paranoia and fears of the dynamics, but Mercury will also start with little teasing, you are an incredibly perceptive sign so you firmly believe in affective communication benefit Your sea creature skills of sweetness and intuition, however, the week consists of many small understandings and loving messages from acquaintances and friends that will cheer you up no little, those of you who are part of it and those of you who welcome you become someone from afar…

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