Between life and death lies Velho do Rio quotpluggedquot and

Between life and death lies Velho do Rio "plugged" and Zé Leôncio feels a pang in his chest Yahoo Vida e Estilo

Rio's Velho will suffer

Old man from Rio will suffer in the “Pantanal” (Photo: Reproduction/Globo)

The next chapters of “pantanal” will show that even Velho do Rio (Osmar Prado) will have his days of fighting. The wisest character in the novel ends up being burned while defending the forest from henchmen who will set the region on fire. Bewitched by an anaconda, he is taken to the animal rehabilitation center and “locked up” far from his habitat.

On the farm, Zé Leôncio (Marcos Palmeira) will have an uneasy feeling and will end up feeling his father’s pain with a pang in his chest. Despite the fear, this will not be the end of Velho do Rio. The character will manage to escape from the animal rehabilitation center and ask Juma (Alanis Guillen) for help. The girl will save his life in the Tapera. The scenes are scheduled to air from June 27.

The old man from Rio is played by Osmar Prado (Photo: Reproduction/Globo)

The old man from Rio is played by Osmar Prado (Photo: Reproduction/Globo)

So far, the scenes from Velho do Rio have already caused great emotions among the audience of the 9 p.m. soap opera. In one of them he explained to Jove (Jesuíta Barbosa) how to deal with animals.

“Get out of your mind to subject the animal to your commands, to admire it. It has to respect you, only then will it follow you and let you take care of it. In this life, there is no use comparing forces with nature. “People need to understand and accept what our place in the world is and why we are here,” he said.

To interpret the Velho do Rio, Osmar Prado says he sought a simplicity that he did not yet have. “We are in a sick society and we are all infected with vanity, with greed. It’s an honor to have the opportunity to show that the most important thing is simplicity,” he said at a press conference ahead of the premiere.