Marcius Melhems defense seeks to prove a possible consensual relationship

Marcius Melhem’s defense seeks to prove a possible consensual relationship between the actor and Dani Calabresa

In the Spectacular Sunday Last weekend (19), Roberto Cabrini revealed new conversations between actor Marcius Melhem and the actresses who accuse him of sex crimes. The scandal, which has involved important figures in Brazilian television, is now taking on different developments.

The allegations of sexual harassment and harassment came to light in December 2019. The leading lady who denounced this was Dani Calabresa among others who could not be identified to protect her image.

According to Dani, the alleged harassment took place at a party held in a bar in Rio de Janeiro in 2017. She says that Marcius tried to force a kiss on her and that the actor exposed his genitals.

Marcius used conversations from a messaging app from the time to defend himself against the allegations.. The comedian revealed that Dani treated him with plenty of intimacy and affection after the alleged harassment he apparently had no problem at the party.

Marcius’ defense used the content to show a possible consensual relationship between the two.

Police told Dani that the actor took her phone without permission to see sexy photos. On the other hand, the actress would have said in the messages of the two: “I showed it [os nudes] without you asking”.

Likewise, in relation to the other actresses who also accused him, Marcius presented conversations that demonstrate the loving and affective relationship between the alleged victims and him. Messages like: “I want to kiss you”, “We are having an affair” and “Come to our meeting but come naked” would have been written by them .

The actresses’ lawyer, Mayra Cotta, reveals that the most common attitude of harassers is always to blame the victims, and for her, Marcius does just that.

According to the interview provided to Cabrini, Melhem believes that the main reason why Dani Calabresa denounced him was an unauthorized project, i.e. revenge. The actor also says, “I have never used my power to relate to anyone.”

The investigations are ongoing, conversations are being analyzed.

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follow that Spectacular Sundayfrom 19:45, on the screen of record TV.