1655773173 BioCubaFarma Directors receive a delegation from Indonesia

BioCubaFarma Directors receive a delegation from Indonesia

BioCubaFarma Directors receive a delegation from Indonesia

Photo: Latin Press.

HAVANA, June 20 (RHC) The directors of the Cuban biotechnological and pharmaceutical industrial group – BioCubaFarma – on Monday received at this institution an Indonesian delegation that was visiting our country.

The delegation invited by the embassy of the Asian country in Havana was led by the member of the Presidential Advisory Board, Dr. Agung Laksono, head of the Cuban institution announced via the social network Twitter.

Last week, renowned Cuban scientists shared their experiences on the COVID-19 pandemic with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), which includes Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. .

Jeffery Lawrence Cutter, an expert from the Singapore Ministry of Health, closed the event via videoconference, acknowledging the importance and usefulness of the information and suggestions provided by the Cuban specialists.

Despite the tightening economic blockade imposed by the United States, Cuba caught global media attention when it announced Abdala, the first anti-Covid-19 vaccine in Latin America, in July 2021.

It also produced Soberana 02, Soberana Plus and is working on candidate Soberana 01 and Mambisa, a nasal formula designed to boost immunity against the disease.

Until now, it is the world leader in the complete vaccination rate per 100 inhabitants and has kept the SARS-CoV-2 virus under control for the past few months due to the strategy it has followed.

Factors that explain Cuba’s difference from the world in the fight against the Omicron variant include three-dose immunization for 90 percent of the population and a booster shot for more than 60 percent of them.

The island was the first in the world to vaccinate its pediatric segment against COVID-19, allowing children and young people to enter the classroom with greater protection.

Its immunogens are safe and without serious side effects, according to successful clinical trials and administrations conducted even in a dozen countries.

BioCubaFarma consists of more than 30 companies with around 80 production lines and advances in the development of novel medicines for diseases that represent the most important national and international health problems. (font: Latin Press).