Food and weapons for three days Il Tempo

Food and weapons for three days Il Tempo


We have reached the twentyseventh day of the war, and the Ukrainian staff is confident that the Russian armed forces would have stocks of ammunition and foodstuffs capable of sustaining the offensive “no more than three days.” According to military authorities in Kyiv, the situation is similar with regard to fuel stocks, which speak of a real “logistical failure” by Moscow. According to the same source, the very low morale of the invading forces would also slow down the war operations: the example reported to support this theory is what happened in the Okhtyrka district of Sumy oblast (province), where the “disobedience of the Russian military” would have resulted in that about 300 soldiers refused to carry out orders.


Kremlin army officers would also encounter serious difficulties replacing the fallen with “improvised levers” in the Lugansk region, where Russia “continues to mobilize citizens” of the selfproclaimed republic, according to Kyiv. However, “a large part of the population does not support the policies of the occupying forces, does not want to take up arms and hides from the representatives of the occupying power”.

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Another testimony of the moment of serious impasse of the Russian army is also the fact that in the detachments each composition was skipped by specialization. In contrast, most of the staff sent online have no serious military training “because they have never served”. “These are citizens with Russian passports, and those who have only a pseudoRepublican passport issued in Lugansk or Donetsk are registered as volunteers.” In such a context, it is not surprising that the Russian armed forces are suffering heavy losses: according to the Ukrainian General Staff, about three hundred soldiers of the invading army would have died yesterday alone.