1647948618 Here is the evidence of war crimes

Here is the evidence of war crimes

Shopping center in Kyiv reduced to rubble.  8 civilians died

Shopping center in Kyiv reduced to rubble. 8 civilians died A post from the StratcomCentre / Status Twitter profile

“Mom, I’ll bring you a 70inch TV, I have it in a house,” says a Russian soldier who was bugged. Others look for the loot in the cash register of an abandoned supermarket. Meanwhile, the Chechens allow a comrade to fetch them back while lovingly holding Ukrainian children in their arms. But everyone knows what happens to women when the soldiers go to the basements where the girls are hiding.
There is no hell without terrors. The Ukraine of the displaced will do both. For days we had reported news of abuse and abuse. About banned weapons, about forced deportations, about criminal activities. Now the complaints are becoming more and more numerous and detailed.

Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry reported that 2,389 children from occupied Donbass were illegally brought to Russia. “The cases of kidnapping of children and other crimes committed by the Russian occupying forces against civilians in Ukraine are under investigation,” reports the Kyiv Independent. In the days leading up to the conflict, the Moscow authorities had already transferred more than 70,000 civilians to their territory. Almost exclusively women with children and the elderly. Many were even shipped across the TransSiberian Railway, hundreds and hundreds of kilometers from Donbass. Local sources contacted by “Avvenire” had explained that it was a matter of blackmailing the men who stayed to fight alongside the proRussians. A way of saying: “We have your family and only if you fight for us can you see them again”.

Now it’s indiscriminately Russophiles and antiPutin, again almost exclusively women and children, who are driven from their homes for hours by car and forced into the control of Russian forces.

The city of Mariupol is “experiencing a veritable genocide,” said Chief Archbishop of Kyiv Svyatoslav Shevchuk, head of Ukraine’s Greek Catholic Church. “People are dying not only from enemy weapons, but also from hatred. Hundreds of people he recalls are dying of hunger, and not only in the city, but also in its surroundings”. With every hour that passes, “we receive news of a true humanitarian catastrophe, of murder, looting, rape.”

According to President Zelenskyi’s adviser Oleksiy Arestovych, “There are hundreds of shootings, rapes and looting. Only one in 300, like Chernihiv’s, is broadcast online. And Cerhiniv is one of the cities that are constantly under attack “. Between emphasis and propaganda, it is difficult for journalists to report with certainty. But it is the United Nations that is removing the condition of speaking of “targeted attacks on civilians.”

In three weeks, over 3.2 million refugees have been forced to flee Ukraine, while another 6.5 million people have been internally displaced. “More than 12 million people according to the estimate of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees are affected by the consequences of the war.” The situation is getting worse by the hour.

“The deputy mayor of the city Serhii Orlov reports a release from the Human Rights Agency says that the estimated death toll of more than 2,350 people is in reality probably up to twice as high, as many people are still trapped under the rubble. Orlov adds that 8090 percent of the city has been bombed since February 24, with almost all buildings damaged or destroyed.”

Vulnerable populations “such as women and children, people with disabilities or serious illnesses, as well as the elderly and minorities face increasing barriers to accessing critical services such as transport, food, medicine and emergency medical care,” the UN agencies said.

Mariupol, the city that bears the name of the Virgin, is today the symbol of the martyrdom of an entire people. Every day up to 100 heavy artillery shells fall on a city that can no longer be defined as a city. “They want to erase the city of Mary from the face of the earth,” said two monks, who have joined Vatican Radio, which has improved shortwave service in Ukraine and Russia and is a candidate for Radio London for Russians who seek it. is to secretly receive the news that the Kremlin is filtering through the Putinian propaganda networks.

The war in Ukraine is an archaic war fought with modern weapons, many of which are banned. While the use of cluster bombs has been documented in the last few days, the fears of Western secret services are now primarily directed at chemical weapons. The possible use of phosphorous bullets, which cause horrific wounds and severe deformities, has been reported in some UN reports. Meanwhile, the onboard cameras of some cars recorded the shots fired at cars in Kharkiv at a crossroads near the children’s hospital. Because there is no need to repeat the shelling of children’s wards if the slaughter of innocents can continue, as United Nations officials say, “by preventing access to treatments and medicines.”